John Battelle is Silicon Valley’s Bob Woodward. One of the founders of Wired magazine, he has hung around Google for so long that he has come to be as close as any outsider can to actually being an insider. Certainly, Google’ s founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, and its chief executive, Eric Schmidt, believe that it is safer to talk to Mr. Battelle than not to do so.
The result is a highly readable account of Google’s astonishing rise-the steepest in corporate history-from its origins in Stanford University to its controversial stockmarket debut and its current struggle to become a grown-up company while staying true to its youthfully brash motto, "Don’t be evil." Mr. Battelle makes the reader warm to Google’s ruling triumvirate-their cleverness and their good intentions-and fear for their future as they take on the world.
Google is one of the most interesting companies around at the moment. It has a decent shot at displa
A. distinctiveness
B. infiniteness
C. selfishness
D. aggressiveness
Alexandre-Gustave Boenickhausen Eiffel
was one of the 19th century’s master builders. Wielding iron in new ways, he
built bridges for the century’s burgeoning railways in Europe, South America and
Indochina. And after sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi designed a colossal,
151-foot statue of copper sheets in 1871, he turned to France’s magician of iron
for its internal skeleton. Thus Eiffel was instrumental in creating two of the
best-known monuments to liberty in the modern world—the Statue of Liberty and
the Eiffel Tower, which was built to mark the centennial of the French
Revolution. During the Nazi occupation in World War II, the tower’ s personnel sabotaged the elevators to deprive the enemy of a view of Paris. (Hitler, who refused to climb the 1710 steps to the top, posed for his picture with the tower in the background A. Eiffel B. Barthold C. both D. neither [多选题]06GG002298.使用止血带应注意( )。"
A.避免勒伤皮肤 B.必须作出显著标志,注明使用时间 C.缚扎部位原则是尽量靠近伤口以减少缺血范围 D.缚扎止血带要很紧 " [多选题]户外主变压器、油浸式电抗器,( )应安装防雨罩。[《国家电网公司输变电工程标准工艺(三) 工艺标准库(2016年版)》,工艺编号:0102010101]
A.A.气体继电器 B.B.压力释放阀 C.C.油温度计 D.D.绕组温度计 [单选题]作业人员应经医师鉴定,无妨碍工作的病症,[体格检查每()至少一次]。
A.半年 B.一年 C.两年 D.三年 [填空题]
[单选题]( )是指金融工具在金融市场上能够迅速地转化为现金而不致遭受损失的能力。
A.收益性 B.期限性 C.流动性 D.风险性 [单项选择]反滤铺盖法根据所用反滤材料的不同分为以下几种:(1)砂石反滤铺盖;(2)梢料反滤铺盖;(3)()。
A. 柳石反滤铺盖 B. 草土反滤铺盖 C. 土工织物反滤铺盖 D. 竹木反滤铺盖 [单项选择]对物流改进只能通过对()的优化。
A. 工艺流程 B. 工作方法 C. 生产装备 D. 生产 我来回答: 提交