A.甘苦寒 | B.甘辛温 |
C.苦酸凉 | D.甘辛寒 |
E.甘咸温 |
The nation’s supply of vaccine for the
impending flu{{U}} (19) {{/U}}took a big hit Thursday when Chiron Corp.
announced it had found tainted doses in its factory. The company said it will hold up shipment of about 50 million shots—about half the supply U.S. health{{U}} (20) {{/U}}had hoped to have on hand this year—while it{{U}} (21) {{/U}}what went wrong and determines whether the vaccine is safe to use. "There’s no product{{U}} (22) {{/U}}is going to go into the arms of the American public that will not have been{{U}} (23) {{/U}}to have met the highest standards of{{U}} (24) {{/U}}" chief executive Howard Pien said. Pie A. often B. common C. usual D. always [单选题]运用黄芪建中汤治疗脾胃虚寒之胃痛,若兼见有下列何项症状者,则宜去饴糖加黄连炒吴萸( )。
A.呕吐 B.腹泻 C.嗳气 D.泛酸 E.嘈杂 [单选题]强噪音环境,应配备使用()、耳罩。
A.保护耳塞 B.安全帽 C.保护手套 D.护目镜 [单选题]申请人被依法吊销船员服务簿的,自被吊销之日起______内不予重新注册。( )
A.1年 B.2年 C.3年 D.5年 [判断题]《煤矿安全规程》规定,井下爆炸物品库的炸药和电雷管必须同库贮存。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]不属于汤剂类型的是
A.沸水泡药 B.煮散 C.煮剂 D.冲剂 E.煎剂 [单选题]在机组允许的负荷变化范围内,采用( )对寿命的损耗最小。
A.变负荷调峰 B.两班制启停调峰 C.少汽无负荷调峰 D.少汽低负荷调峰 [单选题] 仪器的水平线性直接影响到对缺陷的( )。
A.定量 B.定位 C.定性 D.定高度 [单选题]额定起重量小于等于()吨的桥式起重机,仅一套起升机构。
A.5 B.10 C.16 D.0 [简答题] Space Tourism
Make your reservations now. The space tourism industry is officially open for business, and tickets are going for a mere $20 million for a one-week stay in space. Despite reluctance from National Air and Space Administration (NASA) , Russia made American businessman Dennis Tito the world’’s first space tourist. Tito flew into space aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket that arrived at the International Space Station (ISS) on April 30, 2001. The second space tourist, South African businessman Mark Shuttleworth, took off aboard the Russian Soyuz on April 25,2002, also bound for the ISS.
Lance Bass of N Sync was supposed to be the third to make the $20 million trip, but he did not join the three-man crew as they blasted off on October 30,2002, due to lack of payment. Probably the most incredible aspect of this proposed space tour was that NASA approved of it.
These trips are the beginning of what could be a profitable 21st century industry.
A.行政行为 B.行政复议 C.行政处分 D.行政责任 E.国家机关企事业单位对内部人员的制裁性处理是( ) [单选题]关于低压用电客户电能计量装置典型设计,下面说法错误的是:( )。
A.单相供电的应安装单相电能表。 B.三相供电的应安装三相三线电能表。 C.选用单相直接接入式的电能表,其最大电流不宜超过80A。 D.选用三相直接接入式的电能表,其最大电流不宜超过100A。 [判断题]快速切除故障在提高系统暂态稳定性方面起着首要的、决定性的作用。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电气安装接线图中,同一电器元件的各部分必须画在一起。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]为注册及查询计算机和组的动态映射NetBIOS名提供了一个分布式数据库的服务是( )
A.WINS B.DNS C.WISH D.DHCP [单选题]编组站、区段站接触网高度一般为( )。
A.5500mm B.5700mm C.6200mm D.6500mm [多项选择]外贸合同的结算方式()
A. 信用证(L/C. B. 托收 C. 汇款 D. 保函(L/G) E. 现金 [单项选择]属非氟喹诺酮类的药物是
A. 培氟沙星 B. 诺氟沙星 C. 环丙沙星 D. 依诺沙星 E. 吡哌酸 [判断题]旅客使用现金方式购买或已打印报销凭证的铁路电子客票可到车站指定窗口办理改签、 退票手续。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]使用风动车卸道砟时,卸砟运行速度应控制在( )km/h。
A.8~15 B.8~16 C.8~17 D.8~18 我来回答: 提交