Cabinet meetings outside London are
rare and reluctant things. Harold Wilson held one in Brighton in 1966, but only
because the Labour Party was already there for its annual conference. In 1921
David Lloyd George summoned the Liberals to Inverness because he didn’t want to
cut short his holiday. Gordon Brown’s decision to hold his first cabinet meeting
after the summer break in Birmingham, on September 8th, was born of a nobler
desire to show the almost nine tenths of Britons who live outside London that
they are not ignored. He will have to do better: constitutionally, they are more
sidelined now than ever. Many legislatures use their second chamber to strengthen the representation A. People still think that political focus is in London. B. London now enjoys less political focus than before. C. Citizens in Northern Ireland have the highest political enthusiasm. D. Westminster will not be the place for cabinet meetings in the future. [多选题]下列选项中,关于职能制优点的描述,正确的是( )。
A.可以对资源最充分地加以利用 B.有利于培养具有全面素质的、能够经营整个企业的管理人才 C.适应性强 D.有利于专业化管理,提高工作效率 E.使得整个组织有较高的稳定性 [单选题] 965随时可能导致发生事故和危及人身安全的缺陷为( )。
A.重大缺陷 B.紧急缺陷 C.一般缺陷 D.三种缺陷都可以 [判断题]自动化驼峰间隔制动有手动控制和计算机控制两种操作方式,计算机控制优先于手动控制。
A.越大 B.不变 C.越小 D.恒定 [单项选择]《大学人文读本》不是第一章的内容的是()
A. 我的大学观 B. 高贵的精神隐修院” C. 北大校长论北大 D. 那些事,我的大学观 [判断题](2018年)企业对于已验收入库但未取得增值税扣税凭证的存货,应在月末按照暂估价值计算进项税额并登记入账。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Passage Four [简答题]目前在以下各种设备中,读取数据快慢的顺序是内存.硬驱.光驱和软驱。
[单选题]对目前不在“企业活期存款”科目下核算的我行行政经费存款账户,各分行应通过柜面系统( )交易完成调整。
A.20240单位账户信息查询/变更 B.20040单位客户信息查询/变更 C.20050单位客户综合业务查询 D.20243单位账户关联客户号/产品种类变更 [单选题]电容器投运时,其电流超过额定电流的1.3倍时,或其端电压超过额定电压( )倍。
A.1倍 B.1.2倍 C.1.1倍 D.1.5倍时应将电容器组退出运行 [填空题]足少阴肾经的有穴通道起于()穴,止于()穴。
[多选题]遇有以下( )情况时,应配挂简易紧急制动阀。
A.路用列车需在区间推进运行时 B.双线双向反方向运行的列车 C.向区间岔线采用推送方式取送车时 D.列车分部运行后机车牵引前部车列运行时 [单选题]DW7-10型断路器有额定电压为10 kV,额定电流为( )~400 A六种规格。
A.20 B.30 C.40 D.50 [单选题]林女士,60岁,绝经8年出现不规则阴道出血
A.宫颈涂片细胞学检查 B.宫颈活体组织检查 C.B超检查 D.分段诊断性刮宫 E.腹腔镜检查 我来回答: 提交