Now that many media chiefs have fallen
into disrepute (坏名声) and have left, those who are still in positions feel the
need to take the problem seriously. CEOs were overhyped (炒作) as were some
stocks. This is how AOL Time Warner group chairman Jeff Bewkes summed it up. The
era of the imperial CEO has come to an end, MTV Networks Chairman Tom Freston
added. The two executives agreed that the industry’s complex and often ill-fated
mega mergers (大型合并) had proven that bigger is not necessarily better, no matter
how big the reputations of the personalities behind them. The continuing fall of media executives who a few years ago were hailed as visionaries(有远见卓识者) was active this month, and the industry’s fears reached into the executive ranks of music, publishing and TV. Technology visionary Steve Case left as chairman of AO A. possess the ability to change before the trends shift B. have an acute sense of business and management C. lessen their creative ideas and thoughts D. avoid making promises to the customers [多选题] 客户分档评价的经营类指标包括( )、( )、( )等指标;
A.客户卷烟购进金额 B.定制品牌进货金额 C.一二类卷烟购进金额 D. 行业共育品规购进量 [判断题]旅客列车首尾两端装有客车列尾装置主机的客车原则上可以途中摘下.
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]矿井应当及时划定防治水“三区”,禁止在“禁采区”、“缓采区”组织作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]有关门脉高压症、脾切除术后病人护理,下列哪项是错误的().
A. 饮食要注意控制蛋白质入量 B. 有腹水者也要大量补充水和钠盐,以防水、电解质紊乱 C. 应按重症手术后护理,注意血压、脉搏、呼吸的变化 D. 手术后应严密观察病人意识变化,以防肝性脑病的发生 E. 对发热者要注意牌热和膈下感染的鉴别 [单项选择]质硬,易碎,断面不整齐,具光泽,有细孔,遇潮有黏性的药材是
A. 五倍子 B. 冰片 C. 海金沙 D. 青黛 E. 儿茶 [单选题]3月10日,中科院“探索一号”船搭载“深海勇士”号载人潜水器和60名科考队员在三亚崖州湾科技城南山港码头启航,开始执行为期20天的科考航次任务。深海勇士号载人潜水器简称“深海勇士”,是中国第二台深海载人潜水器,它的作业能力达到水下()。
A.A、2000米 B.B、3000米 C.C、4500米 D.D、8000米 [单选题]C 类供电区域配电自动化的通信方式宜采用( )的通信方式。
A.无线、载波通信 B.光纤 C.光纤与载波通信相结合 D.光纤与无线相结合 [单选题]马克思主义的根本特征是
A.批判地继承了人类文明成果 B.正确反映了时代潮流 C.在实践的基础上革命性与科学性的高度统一 D.鲜明的阶级性和实践性 我来回答: 提交