Two People, Two Paths{{/B}} You must be familiar with the situation: Dad’s driving, Mum’s telling him where to go. He’s sure that they need to turn left. But she says it’s not for another two blocks. Who has the better sense of direction Men or women. They both do, a new study says, but in different ways. Men and women, Canadian researchers have found, have different methods of finding their way. Men look quickly at landmarks (地标) and head off in what they think is the right direction. Women, however, try to picture the whole route in detail and then follow the path in their head. "Women tend to be more detailed," said Edward Cornell, who led the study, "while men tend to be a little bit faster A. the survey method. B. the traditional method. C. the route method. D. the right method. [判断题]商户抵( 质) 押贷款是指农业银行对符合条件的县域商品流通市场内商户发放的, 用于商户合法生产经营的自然人抵( 质) 押贷款。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]架空线路中的耐张杆塔用于限制线路发生断线、倒杆事故时波及的范围。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]健康管理过程评价的主要指标不包括。
A.干预活动覆盖率 B.干预活动有效指数 C.干预活动暴露率 D.目标人群健康比例 E.项目活动执行率 [单选题]事故涉及两个以上单位管理的相关设备,设备质量均未超过临修或技术限度时,按事故( )进行推断,确定责任单位。
A.损失大小 B.直接关系 C.因果关系 D.平等关系 [简答题]
甲公司2000年12月20日与乙公司签订租入生产用机器的合同,租赁合同的内容如下: [单项选择]
Most of us are taught to pay attention to what is said--the words. Words do provide us with some information, but meanings are (1) from so many other sources that it would hinder our effectiveness (2) a partner to a relationship to rely too heavily on words (3) Words are used to describe only a small part of the many ideas we associate with any given (4) . Sometimes we can gain insight into some of those (5) if we listen for (6) words. We don’t always say what we mean (7) mean what we say. Mostly we mean several things at once. A person wanting to purchase a house says to the current owner. "This step has to be fixed before I’ll buy." The owner says, "It’s been like that for years". (8) , the step hasn’t been like that for years, but the (9) message is: "I don’t want to fix it. We can put up with it why can’t you" The (10) for a more expansive vi [单选题]手动隔膜抽吸泵属于( )。易
A.堵漏类器材 B.输转类器材 C.洗消类器材 D.照明排烟类器 [判断题]当进路上的有关道岔开通位置不对或敌对信号未关闭时,防护该进路上的信号机不能开放。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]既止痉,又明目退翳的药物是()
A. 蝉蜕 B. 防风 C. 天南星 D. 白僵蚕 E. 蜈蚣 [多选题]信号机设备组成由室内设备和室外设备两部分组成,室外设备包括()
A.信号机机构 B.信号变压器 C.隔离变压器 D.LED发光盘 [单选题]消防员出现违反法律、法规、规章以及上级的决定和命令,应当承担纪律责任的,给予()处分
A.A、行政 B.B、纪律 C.C、刑事 D.D、开除 [单项选择]以下哪项是雇员抵制对其绩效标准进行调整的最好原因
A. 控制系统强调了该员工做得好的事情。 B. 该员工认为标准制定得过高。 C. 人们倾向于避免愉快的情形。 D. 控制系统设立的标准与该员工认为重要的项目一致。 [判断题] 工作面初次来压矿山压力显现比周期来压强烈,来压步距比周期来压大。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]配电检修(施工)作业和用户工程、设备上的工作,()认为有必要现场勘察的,应根据工作任务组织现场勘察,并填写现场勘察记录。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作许可人 C.工作负责人 D.专责监护人 [填空题]施工单位在提报施工计划申请时,必须同时提报<--NRC-->。
[多项选择]冲沟的防治措施包括生物措施和工程措施两个方面,生物措施包括( )。
A. 填土 B. 植树 C. 封山育林 D. 植草皮 E. 开辟排水渠 [多选题]关于食品安全管理人员的说法,以下表述正确的是( )。
A. 可为专职或者兼职 B. 应加强培训和考试 C. 被吊销许可证的食品生产企业直接责任人员,自处罚决定作出之日起五年内不得担任食品安全管理人员 D. 因食品安全犯罪被判处有期徒刑以上刑罚的人员,自处罚决定作出之日起五年后可担任食品安全管理人员 我来回答: 提交