The law of private international
tribunals with respect to conflicts of interest of arbitrators is quite
extensive, albeit by no means uniform. It relates both to what will disqualify
an arbitrator and to what the arbitrator must disclose during the selection
process. Most national legal systems have statutory roles as to the types of
interests, relationships, and experiences that disqualify an arbitrator. Not
infrequently, the disqualifying factors are identical for arbitrators and
judges, although they may treat domestic and international arbitration somewhat
differently, and may indeed supplement the international roles with additional
features. A closer look reveals that courts and arbitration agencies tend to
apply the regulations relatively lightly, recognizing that arbitrators move in
the highly interconnected world of affairs, A. do not apply their regulations strictly B. often consider arbitrators as judges C. understand the general relationship between businesses and arbitrators D. may be described by all of the above [单选题]充SF6气体时,不正确的是()。
A.冬季施工时,SF6气瓶可以用火烤 B.断路器进行充气时,必须使用减压阀 C.开启和关闭瓶阀时必须使用专用工具,应速度缓慢,打开控制阀门时作业人员应站在充气口的侧面或上风口 D.施工现场气瓶应直立放置,并有防倒和防暴晒措施,气瓶应远离热源和油污的地方,不得与其他气瓶混放 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]机车牵引销顶而与销座槽底而问隙应为()mm。
A. 0.54 B. 1.0-5 C. 1.5-6 [判断题]兖矿能源发〔2022〕1 号文指出科学制定评价计划,合理选择专业系统评价、重大灾 害防治评价、综合评价等方式
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]视频区域节点具备的功能有哪些?
A.视频信息存储 B.分发与转发 C.调用控制 D.系统管理以及与其他业务系统互连 [判断题]在锚段中部,接触线对于承力索,承力索对于锚柱(或固定绳)进行锚固的方式称为中心锚结。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某曲线半径为180m,其轨距加宽应为( )mm。
A.0 B.5 C.10 D.15 E.18 F.20 [单项选择]为了使结案测数据具有代表性,每期监测时间,一级评价项目至少应取得有季节代表性的( )天有效数据。
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 10 [单选题]一天中锻炼的最佳时间为( )。
A.A、早饭后 B.B、起床后 C.C、下午 D.D、晚上 [单选题]嗜盐菌又称()。
A.细菌 B.毒素 C.沙门氏菌 D.副溶血性弧菌 [填空题]
{{B}}How We Form First Impression{{/B}}
1 We all have first impression of someone we just met. But why Why do we form an opinion about someone without really knowing anything about him or her -- aside perhaps from a few remarks or readily observable traits. 2 The answer is related to how your brain allows you to be aware of the world. Your brain is so sensitive in picking up facial traits, even very minor difference in how a person’s eyes, ears, nose, or mouth are placed in relation to each other makes you see him or her as different. In fact, your brain continuously processes incoming sensory information -- the sights and sounds of your world. These incoming "signals" are compared against a host of "memories" stored in the brain areas called the cortex system to determine what these [单选题]搬运时,搬运的过道应( ),如在夜间搬运应有足够的照明。
A.有人监护 B.平坦畅通 C.事先整理 D.宽度足够 [填空题]数据字典是各类数据描述的集合,它通常包括5个部分,即数据项、数据结构、数据流、 【5】 和处理过程。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )在工程师法压井在钻井液从环空上返过程中,调节节流阀,使立管压力一直保持( )不变,直到压井钻井液返出井口。
A.关井立压 B.关井套压 C.终了循环立管总压力 D.初始循环立管总压力 [判断题]细菌L型是细菌外膜受损所形成。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]广告施工高处作业区域下方为保证行人和车辆安全通过,设置警示标志后不必设安全巡视人员。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]投光灯根据现场环境和照明需要,在确定适当的安装位置后,按镇流器到( )电源接点的距离,备好φ12~14mm×3电缆线。
A.交流220V B.交流380V C.直流220V D.直流24V [填空题] (填空题)本图中右侧挡土墙高度是? ( )(图中尺寸以cm计)
A.大雨雷电 B.大风暴雨 C.大雪雷电 D.大风大雾 [单项选择]预制剪力墙结构体系使用较多的竖向钢筋连接是(),降低了套筒的使用数量,也降低了综合成本。
A. 底部预留后浇区连接 B. 套筒灌浆连接 C. 螺旋箍筋约束浆锚搭接连接 D. 金属波纹管浆锚搭接连接 [单选题]《混凝土结构设计规范》规定,位于同一连接区段内的受拉钢筋搭接接头面积百分率,对于梁、板类构件,不宜大于( A )。
A.25%; B.50%; C.75%; D.100%; 我来回答: 提交