Standard English is the variety of English which is usually used in print and which is normally taught in schools and to non-native speakers learning the language. It is also the variety which is normally (1) by educated people and used in news broadcasts and other (2) situations. The difference between standard and nonstandard, it should be noted, has (3) in principle to do with differences between formal and colloquial (4) ; standard English has colloquial as well as formal variants.
(5) , the standard variety of English is based on the London (6) of English that developed after the Norman Conquest resulted in the removal of the Court from Winchester to London. This dialect became the one (7) by the educated, and it was developed and promoted (8) a model, or norm, for wider and wider segments of society. It was also the (9) that was carried overseas, but not one unaffected by such export. Today, (10)
A. variation
B. standardization
C. unification
D. transformation
Our sense of smell, which we normally take for
granted, is nowadays being increasingly used for purposes which might surprise
us if we aware of them. One area in which smells are created to achieve
particular results is marketing. For some time manufacturers have taken
advantage of our sense of smell with regard to household goods. Millions of
dollars are spent on product research in the hunt for the right smell as it is
believed perfume influnences the way consumers perceive a brand. In a survey in
the United States, when people were asked what was the most important factor in
their choice of detergent (洗衣粉), smell was rated highly, above ingredients and
price. Now stores are becoming even more direct in their use of smell. The smell of fresh bread in a supermarket tends to encourage people to buy, and people selling their hou A. the smell of shoes to that of flowers B. the smell of flowers to that of shoes C. the shoes in the room with purified air D. the shoes in the room with appealing smells [判断题] 离心泵运行时,如发现表计指示异常,应立即停泵。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]边坡变形监测的任务是什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]鞍式本体的焊接,均为( )。
A. 双面连续角焊 B.单面连续角焊 C.双面连续对焊 D.单面连续对焊 [判断题]常用安全阀有弹簧式和杠杆式两种,温度高而压力不太高时选用前者,高压设备宜选用后者。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]干式变压器在结构上可分为以固体绝缘包封绕组和不包封绕组。()
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]绘图说明地下室的一般防潮构造做法。
A.上风 B.侧上风 C.下风 D.侧下风 [单选题]YD02CG021260、用电检查人员在侦查窃电时使用的“直观检查法”是指()
A.检查月用电量 B.检查负荷率 C.检查环境湿度 D.检查互感器及电能表 [单项选择]()是商业银行进行有效风险管理的最前端。
A. 外部风险监督机构 B. 内部审计部门 C. 法律/合规部门 D. 财务控制部门 [判断题]在氩气和二氧化碳混合气体保护焊中,熔滴过渡特性随着二氧化碳含量的增加而恶化,飞溅也增大。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]离心泵装置中( )的滤网可以阻拦液体中的固体颗粒被吸入而堵塞管道和泵壳。
A.吸入管路 B.排出管路 C.调节管路 D.分支管路 我来回答: 提交