"Motherhood may make women smarter and
may help prevent dementia(痴呆) in old age by bathing the brain in protective
hormones," US researchers reported on Thursday. Tests on rats show that those who raise two or more litters of pups do considerably better in tests of memory and skills than rats who have no babies, and their brains show changes that suggest they may be protected against diseases such as Alzheimer’s dementia (早老痴呆症). University of Richmond psychology professor Craig Kinsley believes his findings will translate into humans. "Our research shows that the hormones of pregnancy (怀孕) are protecting the brain, including estrogen (雌激素), which we know has many neuroprotective (保护神经的) effects," Kinsley said. "It’s rat data but humans are mammals just like these animals ar A. Do You Want to Be Smarter B. Motherhood Makes Women Smarter C. Mysterious Hormones D. An Important Study [多选题]信息系统安全问题层出不穷的根源在于()。
A.病毒总是出现新的变种 B.风险评估总是不能发现全部的问题 C.信息系统的复杂性和变化性 D.威胁来源的多样性和变化性 [单项选择]氧瓶燃烧有机破坏后与茜素氟蓝络合显色的药物是
A. 硫酸奎宁 B. 硫酸阿托品 C. 盐酸氟奋乃静 D. 异烟肼 E. 奥沙西泮 [判断题]防暑饮料应以茶水、防暑汤含盐饮料为主,禁止以含酒精成份饮料替代防暑饮料。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]巨噬细胞来源于()。
A. 浆细胞 B. 中性粒细胞 C. 成纤维细胞 D. 淋巴细胞 E. 单核细胞 [单项选择]关于遗传信息和遗传密码在核酸中的位置和碱基构成的叙述中,下列正确的是()
A. 遗传信息位于mRNA上,遗传密码位于DNA上,构成碱基相同 B. 遗传信息位于DNA上,遗传密码位于mRNA上,构成碱基相同 C. 遗传信息和遗传密码都位于DNA上,构成碱基相同 D. 遗传信息位于DNA上,遗传密码位于mRNA上,构成的碱基不完全相同 [单选题]电动机滚动轴承由操作工注油一次的时间间隔为每( )。
A.月 B.周 C.天 [多项选择]筋按其生产工艺、力学性能与加工条件的不同,可分为()
A. 热轧钢筋 B. 冷轧钢筋 C. 钢丝 D. 热处理钢筋 E. 钢绞线 [单项选择]男,23岁。5周前因腹痛、腹泻脓血便,伴里急后重感,在当地医院诊断为“急性细菌性痢疾”,经口服环丙沙星治疗4天好转。1天前吃西瓜后再次出现腹痛、腹泻,大便每日达10余次,轻度里急后重。粪便镜检每高倍镜视野脓细胞20~40个,红细胞20~30个。考虑诊断为
A. 急性非典型细菌性痢疾 B. 急性典型细菌性痢疾 C. 慢性迁延性细菌性痢疾 D. 慢性隐匿性痢疾 E. 慢性细菌性痢疾急性发作 [单项选择]SQL Server的账号管理功能中,账号可分为()。
A. 管理员账号和普通用户账号 B. 操作账号和登录账号 C. 登录账号和用户账号 D. 权限账号和身份账号 [单选题]输卵管直径最细的部位是 ( )
A.输卵管子宫部 B.输卵管峡 C.输卵管壶腹 D.输卵管漏斗 E.输卵管伞 [多选题]题干:按照可能导致安全生产事故的后果和概率,公路水路行业安全生产风险划分为()
A.特别重大风险 B.重大风险 C.较大风险 D.一般风险 E.较小风险 [填空题]两列振幅相同的相干波在同一直线上沿相反方向传播时叠加而成的波称为()。
A.命令不清 B.停车位置不明确 C.命令不清、停车位置不明确 D.人员 [单项选择]产生第二心音的主要机制是
A. 主动脉瓣开放 B. 二、三尖瓣关闭 C. 主、肺动脉瓣关闭 D. 二尖瓣、主动脉瓣关闭 E. 二尖瓣、主动脉瓣开放 [多选题]在以下地点应挂“止步,有电危险”的标示牌:()。
A.运行设备周围的固定遮栏上 B.施工地段附近带电设备的遮栏上 C.因电气施工禁止通过的过道遮栏上 D.低压设备做耐压试验的周围遮栏上 [单项选择]关于此病例以下的诊断哪个是错误的
A. 手背瘢痕挛缩畸形 B. 虎口瘢痕挛缩畸形 C. 中指伸肌腱侧腱条滑脱 D. 掌指关节半脱位 E. 屈肌腱损伤 [填空题] Intolerance is the art of ignoring any views that differ from your own. It(26)_____ itself a hatred. Stereotypes, prejudice, and(27)_____.Once it intensifies in people, intolerance is nearly impossible to overcome. But why would anyone want to be labeled intolerant. Why would people want to be (28)_____about the world around them Why would one want to be part of the problem in America, instead of the solution
There are many explanations for intolerant attitudes, some (29)_____ childhood. It is likely that intolerant folks grew up (30)_____ intolerant parents and the cycle of prejudice has simply continued for (31)_____. Perhaps intolerant people are so set in their ways that they find it easier to ignore anything that might not (32)_____ their limited view of life. Or maybe intolerant students have simply never been (33)_____ to anyone different form themselves. But none of these reason is an excuse for allowing the intolerance to continue.
Intolerance should not be con
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