Yamato, the ancient name of Japan,
essentially means "big harmony". To achieve such balance, Japanese society has
refined a plethora of cultural traits: humility, loyalty, respect and consensus.
In the field of business, however, this often results in a lack of leaders who
are willing to stand out from the crowd, promote themselves and act decisively.
"The nail that sticks up gets hammered down" is a common Japanese refrain; "the
hawk with talent hides his talons" is another. Whereas American and European
bosses like to appear on the covers of global business magazines, their Japanese
counterparts are comfortable in their obscurity. Business in Japan is generally
run as a group endeavor. Such democratic virtues served the country well in the post-war period. But today they hold too many Japanese firms back. Japan boasts some of the A. Jobs are allocated by age. B. People all work unnecessary long hours, C. Female and foreign senior roles are scarcely seen. D. Many Japanese firms are operating on a global scale. [填空题]HXD1电力机车PWM逆变电路根据机车运行要求,将中间直流电压变换为所需要的( )和幅值的三相交流电压。
A.内存和控制器 B.内存、控制器和运算器 C.高速缓存和运算器 D.控制器和运算器 [单选题]肠结核的腹痛部位常见于( )
A.右上腹 B.左下腹 C.左上腹 D.脐周 E.右下腹 [简答题]男性,50岁,右季肋胀痛伴低热3个月。 患者于3个月前开始感右季肋下胀痛不适,偶有低热。自服消炎利胆片效果不明显。食欲不佳,体重减轻4kg,否认其他病史。 查体:T37.4℃,P84次/分,R20次/分,BP100/60mmHg,慢性病容,自主体位,浅表淋巴结未及肿大,皮肤粘膜无黄染,肩及颈部可见蜘蛛痣,肝肋下5cm,质硬,有结节,B超示肝有占位性病变。
A.1min B.5min C.10min D.15min [多选题]按照《关于进一步加强并网电厂电煤信息管理工作的通知》要求,当因电煤供应紧张造成本网实施()或()措施时,要立即向公司国调中心汇报。
A.A.需求侧管理 B.错避峰 C.拉路限电 D.有序用电 [单选题]使用溶剂擦拭绝缘材料表面的脏污后,( )。
A.可直接投入使用 B.预防性试验合格后投入使用 C.在空气中暴露15min后使用 D.在空气中暴露24h后使用 [单选题]当归龙荟丸的功能是
A.宽中理气 B.泻火通便 C.行气逐水 D.泻火导滞 E.养阴生津 [多项选择]下列各项中,应当征收房产税的有( )。
A. 城市居民出租的房产 B. 城市居民投资联营的房产 C. 城市居民所有的自住用房 D. 城市居民拥有的营业用房 我来回答: 提交