As individuals, we are inherently more
bruited than a community. Although we can consult books and friends and critics,
in the end we are limited to our own single perspectives. We are only one
person--looking at the world from one place, one history, one pattern of
knowing. A community, on the other hand can see things through many eyes, many histories, many ways of knowing. The question is whether it dismisses or creatively makes use of and integrates that diversity. Communities are wise to the extent they use diversity well. The wisest know that every viewpoint represents a part of the truth and that it is through the cooperative creative interplay of the viewpoints that the wisest, most comprehensive and powerful truths emerge. So they engage in that interplay, that dialogue--a creative controversy or consensus proce A. collective wisdom is employed in the management of the community B. government is regarded as useless and unnecessary C. leaders must be powerful and wise enough to guide people D. people are allowed to do whatever they want to do [判断题]凿岩机的火花塞有油污或积碳,火花塞芯子松动或电极间隙不正确,应取下火花塞进行检修和换新,否则会造成发动机飞车。中
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]当验明设备确已无电压后,应立即将检修设备()。
A.挂标示牌 B.装设围栏 C.接地 D.三相短路 [单选题]电梯井口必须设防护栏杆或固定栅门;电梯井内应每隔两层并最多隔( )设一道安全网。
A.8m B.9m C.10m D.12m [判断题]( )79式轻型冲锋枪与85式轻型冲锋枪的弹匣容量均为20发子弹。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述中国在反恐问题上的立场和观点。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题].【多选题】工作票上应填写使用的接地线( )等随工作区段转移情况。
A.编号 B.装拆时间 C.位置 D.装设人 [判断题]电力机车带电进入停电区为一般D类事故。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述行政相对人在行政许可实施过程中的权利。
A. 强膨胀土稳定性差,不应作为路填料 B. 弱膨胀土可以不经过加工、改良处理就作为填料 C. 弱膨胀土可根据当地气候、水文情况及道路等级加以利用 D. 对于直接使用中、弱膨胀土填筑路堤时,应及时对边坡及顶部进行防护 E. 可用接近最佳含水量的中等膨胀土填筑路堤,但两边边坡部分要用非膨胀土作为封层 [单选题]90.如果波的声压与距离成正比,则这种波是:()
A.球面波 B.柱面波 C.平面波 [单项选择]防止软盘感染病毒的有效方法是( )。
A. 不要将软盘和有病毒的软盘放在一起 B. 将软盘写保护 C. 保持机房清洁 D. 定期对软盘格式化 [单选题]What________yourschool_______twoyearsago?
A.does,like B.was,like C.did,like D.was,liked [填空题]
A.黑色; B.黄色; C.红色; D.蓝色;( ) 我来回答: 提交