1 | 资产负债表日前会计账簿记录偿还了应付账款,实际上未真实偿还 |
2 | 存在大额料到单未到的情况,应付账款未计入到正确的会计期间 |
3 |
应付账款本来应当在资产 [单选题]互感器的作用是将高电压、大电流转换为( )。
A.高电压、大电流 B.高电压、小电流 C.低电压、大电流 D.低电压、小电流 [判断题]( )为了降低工作执行人员的剂量,而使现场准备人员的剂量过多地增加,从而造成集体剂量的增加,是不符合辐射防护最优化原则的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]拆除蓄电池连接铜排或线缆应使用()的工器具。
A.外观检查完好 B.试验合格 C.经绝缘处理 D.经检测机构检测 [单选题]承包商安全负责人应具有中专及以上学历或工程师及以上职称,必须具有( )以上安全实践经验,并经安环部面试合格;安全专职管理人员应有( )上安全实践经验,并经安环部面试合格。
A.1年、3年 B.3年、5年 C.3年、3年 D.5年、3年 [判断题]支原体的抗原常用生长抑制试验(GIT)与代谢抑制试验(MIT)来鉴定。( )
若病理结果为低分化鳞状细胞癌下一步治疗应行 A. 手术治疗 B. 化学治疗 C. 放射治疗 D. 生物治疗 E. 手术+化疗 [单选题]恒星:行星
A.德国:美国 B.青草:树木 C.钢笔:橡皮 D.加法:乘法 [多项选择]关于在建工程(含脚手架)的周边与架空线路的边线之间的最小安全操作距离,下列说法中正确的是()。
A. 外电线路电压<1KV时,最小安全操作距离为2m B. 外电线路电压<1KV时,最小安全操作距离为4m C. 外电线路电压是1KV-10KV时,最小安全操作距离为4m D. 外电线路电压是1KV-10KV时,最小安全操作距离为6m E. 外电线路电压是35KV-110KV时,最小安全操作距离为8m [单项选择] Cruise Ship Holidays
Passengers on cruise ship holidays, as they are (0) on TV programs and films, usually appear to be both rich and elderly. Such people do not, however, accurately represent the 6.8 million (19) who took this kind of holiday last year. Over the last few years the world cruise industry has concentrated on (20) to younger, less wealthy people, giving them a/an (21) more like a floating disco than the traditional quiet holiday on a luxury ship. Even families with young children are no longer so (22) on cruise ship. Partly as a result, the number of passengers taking a cruise has increased by a/an (23) of 8.5% a year since 1990.
Cruise Star is now the world’’s (24) cruise line. The other two major companies are Intersail and Seaways. Together these three carry (25) half the world’’s cruise passengers and (26) almost all the industry’’s profits. For the 30 or so smaller firms, life is much tougher. That is because (27) size brings
A. practice B. disadvantage C. purpose D. strength [多项选择]根据马斯洛的需要等级理论,演讲的需要是较高层次的需要,它是人们的()需要。
A. 社交 B. 尊重 C. 生存 D. 自我实现 [填空题]
During a state of deep relaxation, several physiological
changes take place in the body: The body’s oxygen consumption is reduced; the
heart beat decreases; muscle tension and sweating ease, and there is decreased
sympathetic nervous system activity. This restless state not only allows the
body to repair
and restore itself but it has a calming effect on the conscious. 63.______ How to achieve at this state of relaxation, however, is a matter of opinion, 64.______ and in some medical miracles, a matter of controversy. A recent report by Dr. David Holmes of the University of Kansas in the journal "American Psychologist "says that simply sitting in an armchair has just as many beneficial characteristics for the body for meditation does. Researchers of other relaxation [填空题]1905年至1907年间,围绕中国究竟是采用革命手段还是改良方式这个问题,革命派和改良派展开了一场大论战,革命派的舆论阵地是( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某女性患者,面色晦暗,双颊紫红,口唇轻度发绀,该患者为何种面容?
A. 病危面容 B. 肝病面容 C. 肾病面容 D. 二尖瓣面容 E. 慢性面容 [判断题]消防安全例会应由消防安全责任人主持,有关人员参加,每季度不宜少于一次
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]反洗钱调查的客体是可疑交易活动,不包括群众举报。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]哪些医疗机构不能从事计划生育手术( )。
A.从事计划生育技术服务的医疗机构 B.从事计划生育技术服务的保健机构 C.个体医疗机构 D.县级以上计划生育技术服务机构 E.乡级以上计划生育技术服务机构 [判断题]道岔表示器昼间无显示表示道岔位置开通侧向。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]PC机的键盘向主机发送的代码是
A. 扫描码 B. ASCII码 C. BCD码 D. 扩展BCD码 [单选题]根据《空气潜水减压技术要求》(GB/T 12521-2008)规定,空气潜水作业后( )小时内,潜水员不应进行反复潜水。
A. 8 B. 12 C. 24 D. 48 [单选题]列车侧向通过单开9号道岔,当导曲线半径为180m~190m时,速度不应超过( )。
A.60km/h B.45km/h C.35km/h D.30km/h 我来回答: 提交