You’re busy filling out the application
form for a position you really need. Let’s assume you once actually completed a
couple of years of college work or even that you completed your degree. Isn’t it
tempting to lie just a little, to claim on the form that your diploma represents
a Harvard degree Or that you finished an extra couple of years back at State
University More and more people are mining to utter deception like this to land
their job or to move ahead in their careers, for personnel officers, like most
Americans, value degrees from famous schools. A job applicant may have a good
education anyway, but he or she assumes that chances of being hired are better
with a diploma from a well-known university. Registrars at most well-known colleges say they deal with deceitful claims like these at the rate of about A. thorough B. false C. ultimate D. decisive [判断题]系统电压降低时,应减少发电机的有功出力。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者反复出现一些想法,明知不必要或不合理,但无法控制。该症状为()
A. 强迫性思维 B. 思维奔逸 C. 联想散漫 D. 强制性思维 E. 思维贫乏 [判断题]雷电波侵入变压器绕组,会使绕组过电压,导致变压器绕组绝缘损坏。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]站内采用调车方式救援时不需发布调度命令。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]People are often killed while they are crossing the road. (1) of these people are old people and children. Old people are often killed because they usually can’t see (2) hear very well. Children are killed because they are (3) . They forget (4) (5) they cross the road.
A moving car, truck or bus cannot (6) quickly. If a car is going very fast, it will travel (7) before it stops. People don’t always understand this. (8) a car is traveling, the longer it (9) to stop. It is very hard for a person to know how fast a car is traveling. The only safe way to cross the road is to look (10) . The right way to cross the road is to walk quickly. It’s not safe to run. A. right and left B. up and down C. here and there [单项选择]The Hemingway Code heroes are best remembered for their ______.
A. masculinity B. war experience C. indestructible spirit D. pessimistic view of life [单选题]事故现场有易燃易爆气体或有毒有害物质扩散时,消防车要选择( )的适当位置停靠。(易)
A.上风方向或侧上风方向 B.上风方向 C.侧上风方向 D.下风方向 [多项选择]当流量在0.5L/min时,用皂膜流量计校准系统流量如下,符合GB50325-2010要求的苯采样器有()
A. 0.47L/min; B. 0.51L/min; C. 0.53L/min; D. 0.52L/min [判断题]电网管理单位应掌握、分析分布式电源接入配变台区状况,确保接入设备满足有关技术标准。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Study Helps Predict Big Mediterranean Quake
1.Scientists have found evidence that an overlooked fault in the eastern Mediterranean is likely to produce an earthquake and tsunami every 800 years as powerful as the one that destroyed Alexandria in AD 365. 2.Using radiocarbon dating techniques,simulations and computer models,the researchers recreated the ancient disaster in order to identify the responsible fault."We are saying there is probably a repeat time of 800 years for this kind of earthquake,"said Ms Beth Shaw,an earthquake scientist at the University of Cambridge,who led the study. Scientists study past earthquakes in order to deter-mine the future possibility of similar large shocks. 3.Identifying the fault for the AD 365 earthquake and tsunami is important for the tens of millions of people in the region,Ms.Shaw said.The fault close to the southwest coast of Crete last produced a big enough quake to generate a tsunami about 1300,which means the next powerful one could come in the next 100 years,she added in a telephone interview. 4.Ms.Shaw and her colleagues calculate the likely intervals by measuring the motion of either side of the fault to find how often such large earthquakes would have to occur to account for that level of motion,she said.Their computer model suggested an 8 magnitude quake on the fault would pro-duce a tsunami that floods the coastal regions of Alexandria and North Africa,the southern coast of Greece and Sicily all the way up the Adriati to Dubrovnik.This would be similar to the ancient quake in AD 365 that caused widespread destruction in much of Greece and unleashed a tsunami that flooded Alexandria and the Nile Delta likely killing tens of thousands of people,she said. The earthquake prediction devices developed by Ms.Shaw are being widely used in the world. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned [判断题]电连接线均要用多股软铜线做成,其额定载流量允许略小于被连接的接触悬挂、供电线的额定载流量,但不得有接头。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《变电安规》,需要变更工作班成员时,应经( )同意,在对新的作业人员进行安全交底手续后,方可进行工作。
A.工作许可人 B.工作负责人 C.工作票签发人 D.专责监护人 [单项选择]最简单的卡诺循环包括哪些过程?()
A. 两段等压过程,两段绝热过程 B. 两段等容过程,两段绝热过程 C. 两段等温过程,两段绝热过程 D. 两段等温过程,两段等容过程 [简答题]小位计叫水操作及水位不明时的判断(关闭汽水连管截断门造成水位计看不到水位要求进行叫水操作判断缺水或满水的程度)。
[多项选择]调整农业生产结构的主要内容有( )。
A. 积极发展水产业,保护和合理利用渔业资源 B. 大力发展畜牧业,保护天然草原,建设饲草基地 C. 大力发展金融、保险、物流、信息和法律服务等现代服务业 D. 稳定发展粮食生产,实施优质粮食产业工程,建设大型商品粮生产基地,确保国家粮食安全 E. 优化农业生产布局,推进农业产业化经营,促进农产品加工转化增值,发展高产、优质、高效、生态、安全农业 [判断题]接地电阻的大小与土壤电阻率有关。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]禁止在线路上或侵入( )限界内接打手机。
A.机车、车辆 B.建筑 C.站台 D.其它三项均对 [多选题] 政策法规部门主要依据(),对税收政策起草文本是否合规进行评估。
A.最惠国待遇原则 B.国民待遇原则 C.透明度原则 D.有关补贴的规定 [判断题]任何有毒、有害物质,油类,化学品,废水,生活污水及其它污染物可以短时排入雨水边沟、地井。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]分布式电源并网后,公共连接点的三相电压不平衡度不应超过(),短时不超过()
A.1% B.2% C.3% D.4% [单选题]受客观条件限制难以完成甩项工程的,运营单位应当督促建设单位与设计单位履行()手续。
A.工程延期 B.设计延期 C.设计变更 D.工程变更 [单项选择]税务机关采取税收保全措施的前提之一是( )。
A. 有逃避纳税义务的行为 B. 经税务机关责令限期缴纳,逾期仍未缴纳的 C. 纳税人能提供纳税担保 D. 纳税人超过规定的纳税期限未缴纳税款,并且有转移、隐匿其应纳税的商品、货物以及其他财产迹象 [判断题]《停电作业工作票》可用钢笔、圆珠笔填写,但不得使用电子版进行流转、打印。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]国家根据建设项目对环境的影响程度对建设项目的环境影响评价实行( )管理。
A.分等级 B.分影响程度 C.分档 D.分类 [单选题]教学的内容、方法、分量和进度要适合学生的身心发展,使他们能够接受,但又要有一定的难 度,需要他们经过努力才能掌握,以促进学生的身心发展。这是( )教学原则。
A.因材施教 B.量力性 C.循序渐进 D.巩固性 [多选题]关于接触电阻,下列说法中正确的是( )
A.由于接触电阻的存在,会导致电压损失 B.由于接触电阻的存在,触点的温度升高 C.由于接触电阻的存在,触点容易产生熔焊现象 D.由于接触电阻的存在,触点工作不可靠 [判断题]( )因事故死亡、重伤人数7日内发生变化,导致事故等级变化的,相应改变事故等级。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]间质性肾炎患者尿中常出现的管型是()
A. 透明管型 B. 蜡样管型 C. 白细胞管型 D. 红细胞管型 E. 脂肪管型 [多选题]停电检修的线路如在另一回线路的上面,而又必须在该线路不停电情况下进行放松或架设导、地线以及更换绝缘子等工作时,要有防止导、地线()的后备保护措施。
A.A.脱落 B.B.损伤 C.C.断股 D.D.滑跑 [多选题]生产经营单位的安全生产管理人员未履行本法规定的安全生产管理职责的,()。
A.责令限期改正 B.导致发生生产安全事故的,暂停或者撤销其与安全生产有关的资格 C.构成犯罪的,依照刑法有关规定追究刑事责任 D.解除劳动合同。 [判断题]小桥可以不设检查台阶。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]CTCS-2级列控系统由( )设备和( )设备组成。
[判断题]网状裂纹是预应力混凝土简支梁的一种常见裂纹。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者,男性,46岁,患慢性肾小球肾炎15年,病情稳定,1个月前外出旅游,未规律服用氯沙坦钾片(降压药)。旅游归来后,自觉病情加重,遂来就诊。该患者病情加重的诱因是
A.感染 B.劳累 C.血压控制不良 D.滥用药物 E.烟酒嗜好 [单项选择]湿温潮热的特点是()
A. 热势较高,日晡为甚 B. 身热不扬,午后热甚 C. 午后低热 D. 夏季长期微热 E. 骨蒸劳热 [单项选择]电位滴定法的氧化还原滴定(如卡尔费休法测定水含量)中通常采用()电极作指示电极。
A. 铂 B. 银 C. 饱和甘汞 D. pH [单选题]携带式电气设备诶应用专用芯线接地,其横截面积不小于(____)。
A.1.5平方毫米 B.4平方毫米 C.8平方毫米 D.10平方毫米 [多选题]通行有效性判断是指对( )等影响 ETC 使用的参数情况进行判断。
A.OBU有效期和拆卸状态。 B.ETC卡有效期。 C.OBU和ETC卡车牌号码一致性。 D.状态名单信息。 我来回答: 提交