Extraordinary creative activity has
been characterized as revolutionary, flying in the face of what is established
and producing not what is acceptable but what will become accepted. According to
this formulation, highly creative activity transcends the limits of an existing
form and establishes a new principle of organization. However, the idea that
extraordinary creativity transcends established limits is misleading when it is
applied to the arts, even though it may he valid for the science. Differences
between highly creative art and highly creative science arise in part froha a
difference in their goal. For the sciences, a new theory is the goal and end
result of the creative act. Innovative science produces new propositions
in terms of which diverse phenomena can be related to one another in more
coherent ways. Such phenomena A. Because he sought to become the only composer of his time to challenge accepted musical conventions B. Because he adopted a new principle of organization in his work by utilizing innovative strategies C. Because he creatively manipulated the accepted rules and forms governing musical composition D. Because he synthesized a transition between the older stylistic convention and the newer musical form [单选题]由交流或直流电源直接供电的电动机,必须用( )接触器切断电路,接触器的触点应串联于电路中。
A.一个 B.无要求 C.两个独立的 D.两个以上独立的 [单选题]地下防空设施通风、照明等用电应执行( )电价。
A.居民 B.非居民 C.非工业 D.农业生产 [填空题]围堰是一种防水挡水的(),使用围堰的目的是给基础施工创造旱地开挖和砌筑的条件。
[单项选择]长期股权投资采用权益法核算时,初始投资成本大于应享有被投资单位所有者权益份额之间的差额,正确的会计处理是( )。
A. 冲减留存收益 B. 冲减资本公积 C. 不进行调整 D. 计入营业外收入 [判断题]变电所防护直击雷的措施之一是装设独立避雷针。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当总需求大于总供给时,会出现()等现象。
A.市场供应紧张、通货紧缩 B.失业增加、物资匮乏 C.生产能力闲置、通货膨胀 D.通货膨胀、物资匮乏 [单选题]变压器绝缘油介质损耗因数tanδ(90℃)验收标准: ( )。
A.≤0.001 B.≤0.003 C.≤0.005 D.≤0.008 [单项选择]They saw a new movie at the theatre. ______ they had dinner at a Chinese restaurant.
A. then which B. which after C. after which D. after that [填空题]企业()是会计信息的重要使用者,他们需要借助会计信息等相关信息来管理企业,对企业进行控制、作出财务决策。
[多选题] 108
关于DRDS的慢SQL问题,以下描述正确的是? A. clear slow可以重置慢SQL统计 B. explain查询的是topN的慢sql列表 C. show physical_slow查询的是针对每个物理分片执行的慢SQL列表 D. show slow和show physical slow的慢SQL可以通过TRACE_ID列信息进行关联 [简答题]操纵机车运行中应注意和遵守哪些规定?
A.市场化 B.法治化 C.脱管化 D.国际化 [单选题]被处罚人不服行政拘留处罚决定,申请行政复议、提起行政诉讼的,可以向公安机关提出()的申请。
A.停止执行行政拘留 B.撤销行政拘留处罚 C.暂缓执行行政拘留 D.变更行政拘留处罚 [单项选择]下面关于完全二叉树的叙述中,错误的是 ______。
A. 除了最后一层外,每一层上的结点数均达到最大值 B. 可能缺少若干个左右叶子结点 C. 完全二叉树一般不是满二叉树 D. 具有结点的完全二叉树的深度为[log2n]+1 [简答题]遇临时限速有小于40km/h的限速(线路允许速度除外)地段时,车站值班员应立即将( )通知调车领导人。
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