Londoners are great readers. They buy a vast number of newspapers and magazines and even of books-- especially paperbacks, which ale still relatively cheap in spite of the ever-increasing rises in the cost of printing. They still continue to buy "proper" books, too, printed on good paper and bound between hard covers.
There are many streets in London containing shops which specialize in bookselling. Perhaps the best known of these is Charring Cross Road in the very heart of London. Here the bookshops of all sorts and sizes are to be found, from the famous one which boasts of being "the biggest book-Shop in the world" to the tiny, dusty little places which seem to have been left over from Dickens time. Some of these shops stock, or will obtain, any kind of books, but many of them specialise in second-hand books, in art books, in books on philosophy, politics or any other of the many subjects about which books may be written. One shop in this are
A. curiosity
B. amazement
C. doubt
D. disbelief
A. 1120 B. 1100 C. 1200 D. 1020 [单选题]轨道作业车必须完全停止,并已实施了制动,变速杆置于( )位置时方可操纵换向杆进行换向。
A.起步挡 B.低挡 C.空挡 [多选题]、从火场外向火场主体观察的主要内容有()。
A. 燃烧范围、大致的燃烧终止线 B. 建筑承重构件的倒塌形式和方向 C. 建筑外表面形成的烟熏痕迹和低熔点物体熔化滴落痕迹 D. 通向火场的通道、开口部位变化情况 [单选题]涵洞、护锥、桥台及隧道洞口处,路堤及路堑边坡高度大于( )m时,应设置检查台阶。
A.3 B.3.5 C.4 D.5 [单项选择]下列选项中,不符合《招投标法》关于联合体各方资格规定的是()。
A. 联合体各方均应当承担招标项目的相应能力 B. 招标文件对投标人资格条件有规定的,联合体各方均应当具备规定的相应的资格条件 C. 由同一专业的单位组成的联合体,按照资质等级较低的单位确定资质等级 D. 由同一专业的单位组成的联合体,按照资质等级较高的单位确定资质等级 [单选题]单选题]不属于乳腺癌特征的是( )
A.好发于乳腺外上象限 B.其发生可能与雌激素有关 C.居女性恶性肿瘤第1位 D.浸润性小叶癌最常见 [单选题]本周蛋白发生凝固和溶解的温度为( )。
A.26℃、70℃ B.36℃、90℃ C.56℃、100℃ D.76℃、100℃ E.36℃、80℃ [简答题]试述三级预防的任务和内容。
A.专人统一指挥 B.专人监护 C.监护 D.作业人员的指挥 [多项选择]生产的火灾危险性属于丁类的生产特征包括()。
A. 对不燃烧物质进行加工,并在高温或熔化状态下经常产生强辐射热、火花或火焰的生产 B. 在密闭设备内操作温度不小于物质本身自燃点的生产 C. 利用气体、液体、固体作为燃料或将气体、液体进行燃烧作其他用途的各种生产 D. 常温下使用或加工不燃烧物质的生产 E. 常温下使用或加工难燃烧物质的生产 我来回答: 提交