最可能的诊断为()。 People all over the world today are
beginning to hear and learn more and more about the problem of pollution. (14)
{{U}}Pollution is caused either by man’s release of completely new and often
artificial (人造) substances into the environment, or by releasing greatly
increased amounts of a natural substance (物质), such as oil from oil tankers into
the sea.{{/U}} Whatever its underlying reasons are, there is no doubt that much of the pollution caused could be controlled if only companies, individuals and governments would make more efforts. In the home there is an obvious need to control {{U}}litter{{/U}} and waste. Food comes wrapped up three or four times in packages that all have to be disposed of; drinks are increasingly sold in bottles or tins which cannot be reused. This not only causes a litter problem, but also is a gr A. people would pay more attention to the problem B. governments would take effective measures C. all sides concerned would make more efforts D. farmers would use fewer artificial fertilizers [单选题]患儿,7岁。突然发现双下肢、胸腹部大量红斑,高出皮面,压不退色,发痒,双膝关节痛。1周前曾患“感冒”。该患儿可能的疾病是( )
A.过敏性紫癜 B.风湿性关节炎 C.血友病 D.特发性血小板减少性紫癜 E.急性肾炎 [单选题]蒸发器控制阀损坏或调节不当,会造成( )。
A.冷空气不足 B.系统太冷 C.系统噪声大 D.操纵失灵 [单项选择]法国著名教育家卢梭的教育著作是( )
A. 《教育漫话》 B. 《大教学论》 C. 《爱弥尔》 D. 《普通教育学》 [填空题]各区域站站内可由站长根据实际需求组织自行调票并报备票务处。调入、调出车站填写《______》,并遵循“______”的原则,随当日报表上交票务处。
A. 64TB和4GB B. 64GB和64TB C. 4GB和64TB D. 64TB和64GB [单选题]单选使用自动驾驶仪时, ______负责选择 AFDS 方式,______负责监控 AFDS 方式信号牌和当前的 FMC 飞行计划。
A.PM;PF B.PF;两名飞行员都要 C.PF;PM [简答题]简述左向右分流型先天性心脏病共同的临床症状。
[多选题]无需专门设置防孤岛保护的分布式电源类型有( )。
A.同步电机类型 B.异步电机类型 C.变流器类型 D.逆变器类型 [单选题]计量监督管理就是 ( )。
A.按计量法律、法规的要求所进行的计量管理 ; B.对市场的计量器具进行监督抽查; C.对强制检定的计量器具进行检定。 [单项选择]We"ve got all the different companies working together and we have proved it works and is commercially______.
A. viable B. practical C. potential D. feasible [单选题]正确的主减速器主、从动锥齿轮啮合印痕应位于( )。
A.齿长方向偏向大端, 齿高方向偏向顶端; B.齿长方向偏向小端,齿高方向偏向顶端; C.齿长方向偏向大端,齿高方向偏向底端; D.齿长方向偏向小端, 齿高方向偏向底端 [单项选择]关于睾丸鞘膜,下列描述不正确的是()
A. 分为壁层和脏层 B. 壁层贴于精索内筋膜内面 C. 脏层贴于睾丸和附睾的表面 D. 脏层与壁层之间形成鞘膜腔 E. 脏层与壁层于睾丸前缘相移行 [判断题]隧道除冰,清理危石及衬砌掉块,疏通排水沟、补充水沟盖板等作业属于保养工作范围。( )(应知应会-《普速桥规》-第6.0.3条)
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]向封锁区间开行救援列车时,司机接到救援命令后,必须认真确认,命令不清、( )不明确时,不准动车。
A. 山体内地应力较高,岩体内储存着很大的应变能,该部分能量超过了硬岩石自身的强度时 B. 围岩坚硬新鲜完整,裂隙极少或仅有隐裂隙,且具有较高的脆性和弹性,能够储存能量,而其变形特性属于脆性破坏类型,当应力解除后,回弹变形很小 C. 埋深较大(一般埋藏深度多大于200m)且远离沟谷切割的卸荷裂隙带 D. 地下水丰富,裂隙发育 [名词解释]地被植物
A.某煤气化生产项目 B.某天然气开采及输送项目 C.生态风险评价 D.某辐射类建设项目 [单项选择]下列句子的语义结构属于简单述谓结构的一项是()
A. 老王昨天买了一台彩电 B. 李辉去图书馆借了一本书 C. 他觉得不应该这样做 D. 他没接住小李传过来的球 [不定项选择题]属于M胆碱受体激动剂的降低眼压药是查看材料
A.毛果芸香碱 B.甘露醇 C.曲伏前列素 D.噻吗洛尔 E.醋甲唑胺 [单选题]触电急救,胸外心脏按压频率应保持在()次/min。
A.60 B.80 C.100 D.120 [判断题]客服岗上岗期间可接受外币和支票,只办理现金业务。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]或謂惠子曰:“莊子來,欲代子相。”
或: [多项选择]下列哪些心律失常可见于健康人( )
A. 窦性心动过速 B. 窦性心动过缓 C. 窦性心律不齐 D. 室性早搏 E. 房性早搏 [单项选择] Run, Rabbits, Run
From Greenwich to the Mall is good sport for all
In its 13 years, the London Marathon has acquired a pedigree of excellence. That excellence is not just the awesome energy of the best runners and the smoothness of the organization, but also the quality of determination shown by all the competitors, male and female, able-bodied and disabled. When more than 26,000 gather at Greenwich tomorrow morning, only a few will be in the running to win the big prize money. The success of this event is that most of the athletes would be prepared to pay serious money just for the privilege of running the 26 miles 385 yards to The Mall past the most famous urban scenery in the world.
The London Marathon has become one of Britain’’ s leading sports events. Since 1981, something like 45 million has been raised in individual sponsorship for charities. Tomorrow hundreds of thousands of people will line the route to cheer and to gasp in sympathetic parti
A. should not promote team games at all B. upholds the principles of the Olympic Games C. is active in producing successful Marathon participant D. encourage those qualities pursued by Marathon participants 我来回答: 提交