本疾病最具特征的临床表现是() Although it is now possible to bring
most high blood pressure under control, the causes of essential hypertension
remain elusive. Understanding how hypertension begins is at least partly a
problem of understanding when in life it begins, and this may be very
early-perhaps within the first few months of life. Since the beginning of the
century, physicians have been aware that hypertension may run in families, but
before the 1970s, studies of the familial aggregation of blood pressure treated
only populations 15 years of age or older. Few studies were attempted in younger
persons because of a prevailing notion that blood pressures in this age group
were difficult to measure and unreliable and because essential hypertension was
widely regarded as a disease of adults. In 1971, a study of 700 children A. support the thesis that kallikrein levels are inversely related to blood pressure B. highlight the special health problems involved in treating populations with high concentrations of black children C. offer a causal explanation for the difference in urinary kallikrein levels between black and white children D. suggest that further study needs to be done on the problem of high blood pressure among black adults [单项选择]Oh, Robert. ______ you gave us!
A. How a nice surprise B. What a nice surprise C. How nice surprise D. What nice surprise [多选题]下列关于稳压泵组保养保养要求说法正确的是( )。
A.组件齐全,泵体和电动机外壳完好,无破损、锈蚀 B.设备铭牌标志清晰,叶轮转动灵活、无卡滞 C.润滑油充足,泵体、泵轴无渗水、砂眼 D.电动机绝缘正常,紧固螺栓无松动,电缆无老化、破损和连接松动 E.稳压泵运转正常 [单项选择]对于超声检查,下列叙述错误的是()。
A. 是一种无创性检查技术 B. 对软组织分辨率高 C. 可动态观察 D. 容易穿透含气器官 E. 难以穿透骨质 [单选题]在电动汽车中,继电器的作用()。
A.大电流控制小 电流 B.检测高压电 C.小电流控制大电流 D.检测低压电 [单选题]腌制品领货的正确操作
A.遵循先进先出领取 B.直接领取,不用领货 [多选题]以下()防伪措施需迎光透视观察
A.光变油墨 B.水印 C.隐形面额数字 D.阴阳面额数字 E.阴阳互补对印图案 F.凸印缩微文字 [简答题]重介质选矿的原理是什么?
[多选题]以下哪些正常ETC车辆可直接通过出口ETC车道驶离高速? ( )
A.J1集装箱车 B.J2集装箱车 C.货车列车 D.已预约ETC绿通车 [判断题]部分停电的工作,小于表3-1规定距离以内的未停电设备,应装设临时遮栏,临时遮栏可用坚韧铁质材料制成,装设应牢固,并悬挂“止步,高压危险!”标示牌。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]修理直流电机时各绕组之间的耐压试验使用( )。
A.直流电 B.交流电 C.交、直流均可 D.高频交流电 [单选题](外部制度)合格审慎评估由( )负责组织开展,并委托其秘书处具体实施。
A.中国人民银行 B.银保监会 C.自律机制 D.银行业协会 [多选题]作业前检查多电源和有自备电源的用户已采取()等防反送电的强制性技术措施。
A.机械联锁 B.防误闭锁 C.带电闭锁 D.电气联锁 我来回答: 提交