Sports and games make our bodies
strong, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy. But these are not
their only use. They give us valuable practice in making eyes, brain and muscles
work together. In tennis, our eyes see the ball coming, judge its speed and
direction and pass this information on to the brain~ The brain then has to
decide what to do, and to send its orders to the muscles of the arms, legs, and
so on, so that the ball is met and hit back where it ought to go. All this must
happen with very great speed, and only those who have had a lot of practice at
tennis can carry out this {{U}}complicated chain of events{{/U}} successfully. For
those who work with their brains most of the day, the practice of such skills is
especially useful. Sports and games are also very useful for {{U}}character-training{ A. live a better life when they grow up B. know better how to behave properly in their future life C. understand better the virtues they learn in books D. all of the above [单选题] 人工智能的出现对马克思主义哲学意识论的意义是( ) 。
A. 否定了物质对意识的决定作用 B. 改变了人类意识活动的规律性 C. 肯定了人工智能可以代替意识的能动活动 D. 丰富了物质和意识相互关系内容 [单项选择]小儿出现生理性流涎的年龄是()
A. 1~2个月 B. 3~4个月 C. 5~6个月 D. 7~8个月 E. 12个月 [判断题]工作压力是指容器在正常使用过程中,低部可能出现的最高压力(表压力)。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]属清胃散的组成药物是
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]党性和( )的关系,是意识形态领域关于舆论导向的重大问题。
[单选题]起吊时吊钩要垂直于重心,绳与地面夹角一般不超过( )。
A.30° B.40° C.45° D.50° [单选题]对所属企业主要负责人、业务分管负责人的通报批评应当以( )文件形式印发,传达至所属企业领导班子成员。
A.集团公司HSE(安全生产)委员会 B.集团公司HSE(安全生产)委员会办公室 C.所属企业 D.视情况而定 [单项选择]下列不属于《环境保护法》规定的“三同时”制度的是()。
A. 同时设计 B. 同时施工 C. 同时验收 D. 同时投产 [判断题]冠字号码文本数据应保存 3 个月,冠字号码图像数据应保存 1 个月。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]计量加油机的检定周期为()年。
A. 0.5 B. 1 C. 2 D. 1.5 [单选题]X-1402空载电流一般是( )。
A.A.15A B.B.12A C.C.10A D.D.9A [简答题]某市机电安装工程全部由政府投资。该项目为该市建设规划的重要项目之一,且已列入地方年度固定资产投资计划,概算已经主管部门批准,征地工作尚未全部完成,施工图及有关技术资料齐全。现决定对该项目进行施工招标。因估计除本市施工企业参加投标外,还可能有外省市施工企业参加投标,故业主委托咨询单位编制了两个标底,准备分别用于对本市和外省市施工企业投标价的评定。业主对投标单位就招标文件所提出的所有问题统一做了书面答复,并以备忘录的形式分发给各投标单位,为简明起见,采用表格形式,见表1。 表1 书面答复表