With the current mood of global uncertainty and an economic recession, people are likely to suffer from increased stress, depression and anxiety. These psychological symptoms, in a new twist to the old saying of "mind over matter", can lead to actual physical problems.
The mind and the body are integrated system. It’s like a web. If one part is disturbed, it will directly, or indirectly, affect another part. Hence, psychological and emotional reactions will trigger physical responses.
When a person feels a threat to his well-being, the brain reacts by releasing chemicals. For example, the adrenal gland in the brain may release adrenaline(肾上腺素) which prepares the body to respond to physical threats. The brain’s neuro-chemistry programs a person to react in one of the classic ways: fight, flight or fright.
Are you sleeping well Are you eating well Are you working or studying well Any mental health problem would affect these three areas
A. Try to struggle with it.
B. Try to escape from it.
C. Become worried.
D. Start a fight with others.
{{B}}Microchip Research Center Created{{/B}} A research center has been set up in this Far Eastern country to develop advanced micro-chip production technology. The center, which will start out with about US $14 million, will help the country develop its chip industry without always depending on imported technology. The center will make use of its research skills and facilities to develop new technology for domestic chip plants. The advent of the center will possibly free the country from the situation that it is always buying almost-outdated technologies from other countries, said the country’s flagship chipmaker. Currently, chip plants in this country are in a passive situation because many foreign governments don’t allow them to import the most advanced [单项选择]2013年,我国再次提高新型农村合作医疗个人筹资标准,达到340元左右,其中各级政府财政补助增加到人均280元。这表明财政()
A. 有利于资源的合理配置 B. 是调节收入分配的有效手段 C. 能促进经济平稳运行 D. 是改善人民生活的物质保障 [多选题]关于徇私舞弊不征、少征税款罪,徇私舞弊发售发票、抵扣税款、出口退税罪和徇私舞弊不移交刑事案件罪,以下说法正确的是:
A.三个罪名的主体都是税务机关的工作人员 B.三个罪名的客体都是侵犯的都是国家的税收债权和国家正常的税款征收管理制度 C.徇私舞弊指的是为徇私情私利而弄虚作假 D.徇私舞弊行为不要求行为人一定具有受贿的法定要件 E.实施徇私舞弊行为,行为人主观方面表现为故意 [多选题]一幢地上33层的宾馆地下一层汽车库建筑面积3600平方米高4m车库设有机械排烟系统并划分了防烟分区。以下选项中可作为防烟分区分隔措施的有哪些?( )
A.挡烟垂壁 B.隔墙 C.梁高45CM的横梁 D.防火卷帘 [判断题]在Word2007中,对文档中的某个段落设置字符格式,应先执行的操作是选定。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]如遇以下( )工作时,需选用紧急抢修工作票。
A.紧急缺陷 B.需要紧急处理的故障停运设备设施的抢修工作 C.灾后抢修工作 D.灾后抢修工作间断后超过12小时复工 [判断题]完成窃电处理及费用结清后,由计量人员人员组织开展计量恢复等现场工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]我国规定,在个人汽车贷款中所购车辆为商用车的,贷款金额不得超过所购汽车价格的( )。
A. 50% B. 60% C. 70% D. 80% [单选题]电压互感器网栅的钥匙管理描述正确的是( )
A.牵引变电所各类设备的钥匙均应配备至少三套。 B.各高压分间以及各隔离开关的钥匙为万能钥匙,均可相互通用。 C.有人值守牵引变电所设备钥匙由值守人员保管1套。 D.设备钥匙由检修车间作业组的工作领导人保管1套。 [不定项选择题](2018年)根据《建设项目环境影响评价技术导则地下水环境》,社区医疗、卫生院建设项目地下水环境影响评价的项目类别是()。
A.Ⅰ类 B.Ⅱ类 C.Ⅲ类 D.Ⅳ类 [单选题]天翼安全专区产品高级版,一共包含了几个安全组件
A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7 [单选题]口服消胆胺降低血清胆固醇含量的机制是( )
A.减少胆汁酸的重吸收,解除其对3α-羟化酶抑制 B.减少胆汁酸的重吸收,解除其对7α-羟化酶抑制 C.增加胆汁酸的重吸收,解除其对12α-羟化酶抑制 D.减少胆汁酸的重吸收,解除其对7α-脱羟酶抑制 E.减少胆汁酸生成,解除其对HMGCoA还原酶的抑制 [单选题] 国家电网有限公司是关系( )的特大型国有重点骨干企业。
A. 国家能源战略、国家经济实力 B. 国家经济实力、国家能源安全 C. 国民经济命脉、国家能源安全 D. 国民经济命脉、国家能源安全 [简答题]桥梁、隧道、瞭望困难以及通信盲区等特殊作业处所必须严格落实“( )”安全卡控措施。
A.0.5m B.0.8m C.1m D.1.5m 我来回答: 提交