There are approximately three quarters
of a ton of termites (白蚁) for every person on Earth. It now turns out that these
critters may be helping to alter the climate and affect man’s life. For years scientists have been saying that carbon dioxide sent into the atmosphere by the burning of fuels might lead to the rise in temperatures of the whole earth, owing to the greenhouse effect in which the gas prevents the escape of heat into outer space. Now an international team of researchers has discovered that termites generate more than twice the carbon dioxide that fuel burning does. And this production, which comes from the insects’ eating and consuming of different kinds of vegetables and wood, has risen greatly. This is chiefly because man has cut so many trees in order to open more land and thus has provided large quantities of foo A. It is the production by termites that is now of greater concern. B. What scientists worry more about is the output from burning fuels. C. The output from burning fuels is now rising steadily. D. The burning of fuels generates much less carbon dioxide than termites do. [单项选择]一般地,气温年较差随纬度增加而()。
A. 增大 B. 不变 C. 减小 D. A,B,C都有可能 [单项选择]影响X线的质的决定因素为
A. 管电流的大小 B. 曝光时间的长短 C. 管电压的高低 D. 摄影距离的远近 E. 照射野的大小 [单选题]消费者的购买决策很大程度上受()影响
A.社会文化因素 B.心理因素 C.个人因素 D.以上三个因素都是 [简答题]在油品计量中,对试水膏有嘟些质量要求?
A. 南郊观象台 B. 青岛观象台 C. 北京古观象台 [单项选择]纯品可供注射用的乳化剂是()
A. 十二烷基硫酸钠 B. 吐温80 C. 阿拉伯胶 D. 磷脂 E. 氢氧化镁 [判断题]干粉灭火器可用于扑救钾、钠、镁、铝等金属物质火灾。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]进入有限空间作业前,必须填写《申请单》履行内部审批、现场许可或电话许可手续。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]防火隔墙与变压器散热器外缘之间必须有不少于1m的散热空间。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]急性中毒现场抢救的第一步是( )。
A.迅速报警 B.迅速拨打120急救 C.迅速将患者转移到空气新鲜处 D.迅速做人工呼吸 [判断题]设备送电未办理送电手续或未经工艺审定人、审批人签字;不是违章行为()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交