Pretty Good When Spanish football club Barcelona paid US $ 35 million for Ronaldinho last summer, they weren’t buying a pretty face. "I am{{U}} (51) {{/U}}," admits the Brazilian superstar (超级明星). "But everyone has got a different kind of beauty. What I{{U}} (52) {{/U}}have is charm." Indeed he has. His buck teeth (龅牙), flowing hair, big smile, and of course his{{U}} (53) {{/U}}skills are always eye-catching on the pitch. The 23-year-old striker(中锋) scored two goals in a 3-2 win over Deportivo La Coruna on March 1. It was Barcelona’s sixth win in a row and, thanks to their Brazilian’s 10goal contribution,{{U}} (54) {{/U}}looked like a poor season could now end a success. Ronaldinho — full name Ronaldo De Assis Moreira — is one of many South A. question B. issue C. problem D. point [多选题]组合电器(GIS)对接时,有力矩要求的紧固件、连接件,应使用力矩扳手并合理使用防松胶。紧固螺丝时应()。
A.对称 B.均匀 C.一次拧紧 D.逐步拧紧 [判断题]在一个综合布线工程中,只允许一种连接方式,一般为T568A型标准连接。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择](1/2-1/3)+(1/3-1/4)+(1/4-1/5)的值是()
A. 1/10 B. 1/5 C. 3/10 D. 2/5 [单选题]二元溶液连续精馏计算中,物料的进料状态变化将引起()的变化。
A.相平衡线 B.进料线和提馏段操作线 C.精馏段操作线 D.相平衡线和操作线 [单选题]联合收割机未进行( ),在出口查验合格后,按特情车处理。
A.称重检测 B.拍照取证 C.安装ETC装置 D.扫查验码 E.网上预约 [名词解释]渗透性利尿
[单选题]橡胶的主要组分是具有高弹性( )物质。
A.中性 B.复合 C.低分子 D.高分子 [单项选择]颈椎病主要体征为()。
A. “4”字试验阳性 B. 伸肌腱牵拉试验(Mills)阳性 C. 杜加征(Dugas)阳性 D. 直腿抬高试验(Lasegue)阳性 E. 压头试验阳性 [单项选择]患者,女,30岁,身目俱黄,黄色鲜明,发热口渴,心中懊,口干而苦,恶心呕吐,小便短少黄赤,舌苔黄腻,脉弦数,宜选()
A. 茵陈配茯苓 B. 茵陈配栀子 C. 茵陈配车前子 D. 茵陈配木通 E. 茵陈配猪苓 [单选题]社会主义道德建设的基本要求是()。
A.心灵美、语言美、行为美、环境美 B.爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱社会主义 C.仁、义、礼、智、信 D.树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观 [简答题]影响防火间距的因素有哪些?答出5项即可。
[单选题]采样过程中如果后续的制样设备( ),应立即停止采样,待处理好后再启动。
A.运转 B.损坏 C.堵塞 D.触电 [单选题] 工务无砟轨道无缝线路应力放散作业的目的是调整无缝线路( ),满足线路防胀或防断要求。 (1分)
A.设计轨温 B.锁定轨温 C.实验轨温 D.实际轨温 [判断题]大型养路机械作业配合作业时,作业前工务段应补充道砟、更换伤损胶垫和撤除作业地段的调高垫板、道口铺面、有砟桥上护轨等工作 。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]张先生,50岁,25年吸烟史,本人无糖尿病,血压150/90mmhg,体质指数25,总胆固醇5.46mmol/L,经常用冠心病和脑卒中综合危险度评估波对张先生评估,评估结果为:张先生的缺血性心血管病的患病风险是7.6,比一般人群高2.8倍,应建议他尽快控制健康危险因素,降低发病的风险,请根据张先生情况回答一下问题.请根据心血管疾病风险评估的方法,参与评估的危险因素有哪些?。
A.血压 B.胆固醇 C.性别 D.年龄 E.BMI F.吸烟 G.血糖 [单选题]心脏瓣膜疾病中主动脉瓣狭窄的听诊特点错误的是
A.主动脉瓣区第二心音减弱或消失 B.第二心音逆分裂 C.胸骨右缘第二肋间收缩期杂音 D.该杂音在蹲位时减弱 E.瓣膜严重钙化时该杂音减轻或消失 [单项选择]One reason human beings can thrive in all kinds of climates is that they can control the qualities of the air in the enclosed spaces in which they live. Air conditioning is the use of mechanical systems to【C1】______that control in such places【C2】______homes, offices, theaters, institutions, factories, airplanes, and automobiles. The most familiar type of air conditioning is summertime cooling. Although important, this is【C3】______one of several aspects of air conditioning. Other applications【C4】______the control of the humidity (or air moisture), cleanliness, circulation of the air, and heating. Tests have【C5】______that people generally feel best【C6】______certain temperature, humidity, and air velocity conditions. Temperatures can【C7】______from 21.5°C with 70 percent relative humidity to 28 °C with 30 percent relative humidity. Relative humidity is the【C8】______of moisture in the air【C9】______a specific temperature compared 【C10】______the amount it could hold at that temperature.【C11】______air velocities range from 4.5 to 10.5 meters per minute. It is also desirable that an air conditioner【C12】______dust, pollen, smoke, and odors from the air. In many industrial environments, air conditioning is essential. Most print shops, for example,【C13】______constant humidity in order to control paper shrinkage and【C14】______the【C15】______operation in some processes. Libraries, especially ones with rare books, require air control to【C16】______the physical quality of their collections. Bakeries and the tobacco and cotton industries require high humidity【C17】______their products, and perishables such as fruits must be stored in cool, dry rooms. Some electronic components, drugs, and chemicals must be manufactured【C18】______the air is as free as possible【C19】______dust and other particles. Air conditioning is【C20】______in hospitals, especially in operating rooms.【C12】
A. remove B. to remove C. removes D. removing [单项选择]项目监理机构系统外部协调分为近外层协调和远外层协调,建设工程与近外层关联单位一般()。
A. 无合同关系 B. 有委托关系 C. 有合同关系 D. 有利害关系 [单选题]某新生儿出生后不久出现进行性呼吸困难缺氧,诊断为新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征,其起病的主要原因是
A.肺表面活性物质缺乏 B.支气管痉挛 C.肺纤维增生 D.呼吸中枢发育不全 E.气道阻塞 [单选题]根据《空调列车服务质量规范》,熟练使用本岗位相关设备设施,熟知本岗位业务知识和( ),掌握担当列车沿途停站和时刻,沿线长大隧道、桥梁、渡海等线路概况,以及上水、吸污、垃圾投放等作业情况。熟悉本岗位相关应急处置流程,具备应对突发事件能力。
A. 作业 B. 职责 C. 流程 D. 内容 我来回答: 提交