Why does the Foundation concentrate its
support on basic rather than applied research Basic research is the very heart
of science, and its cumulative product is the capital of scientific progress, a
capital that must be constantly increased as the demands upon it rise. The goal
of basic research is understanding, for its own sake. Understanding of the
structure of the atom or the nerve cell, the explosion of a spiral nebula or the
distribution of cosmic dust, the causes of earthquakes and droughts, or of man
as a behaving creature and of the social forces that are created whenever two or
more human beings come into contact with one another--the scope is staggering,
but the commitment to truth is the same. If the commitment were to a particular
result, conflicting evidence might be overlooked or, with the best will in the
world, simply not appreciated. Moreov A. encourages basic research B. devotes more than 90% of its research and development funds to applied research C. spends far more on applied research than on military problems D. opposes the Foundation’s grants to basic research [单选题]若作业还涉及其他单位配合停电的线路时,配合停电线路的运维管理单位按检修单位的()申请,完成配合停电线路的停电和接地后,可以电话下达许可开始工作命令。
A.书面 B.电话 C.当面 D.派人 [填空题]PID调节器变为纯比例作用,则()
A. 手摇发电机 B. 电容 C. 电池 D. 电感 [单项选择]6个月女婴,右侧腹股沟区域出现可复性肿块2个月,1周前肿块不能回纳6小时,医生予以手法复位。 目前应采用的治疗方案是
A. 继续观察 B. 疝囊高位结扎术 C. LaRaque术 D. Ferguson疝修补术 E. Bassini疝修补术 [单选题] [ZJJK06-01-X] 长方体钻井液罐长5m,宽3m,高2m,当液面升高0.3m时,体积增加了( )m3。
A.9 B.3 C.4.5 D.1.8 [多选题]下列选项中,体现了为人民服务要求的有( )。
A.一心为公,大公无私 B.利用人民赋予的权力为自己、为亲朋好友或者为小团体谋取私利 C.在与人相处中,尽量做到替别人着想,使自己的行为能给他人或社会带来有益的结果 D.依靠自己的诚实劳动,在追求个人正当利益的同时,为社会和他人提供货真价实的产品或服务 [判断题] 起重机上应备有灭火装置,驾驶室内应铺橡胶绝缘垫,不得存放大量易燃物品。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]三大战役胜利的重要意义是什么?
[单选题]液化石油气处置过程中进入现场或警戒区内的人员必须( )。(难)
A.佩戴隔绝式呼吸器,穿着全封闭式消防防化服 B.佩戴隔绝式呼吸器,穿着简易消防防化服 C.可穿纯绵战斗服,扎紧裤口袖口,勒紧腰带裤带 D.全身浇湿 [判断题]权限交接是指交出柜员将所拥有的现金、凭证及权限全部移交给接收柜员。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )属于输水器材。
A.水炮 B.水带 C.水枪 D.泡沫管枪 我来回答: 提交