The deadly bird flu so far has claimed
a confirmed 18 lives in Vietnam and Thailand, though the suspected toll is
higher at 23. Millions of birds have been culled across Asia in an effort to
stop the spread of the disease. The U.N. health agency said that testing of
virus material from a 23-year-old Vietnamese woman who died of the HSN1 avian
flu virus showed no human transmission. The woman and her 30-year-old sister
were confirmed victims of bird flu. Their brother died of a flu-like illness but
because his body was cremated (焚化), there was no chance to test for the virus.
"WHO has today received the results from a study of virus isolated from a
23-year-old woman who is part of a family cluster in Vietnam under investigation
as the first possible instance of human-to-human transmission," the agency said
in a statement po A. The farm in Tianjin was first to announce a suspected outbreak. B. The bird flu virus has spread over most provinces of China. C. Up till now, nobody in China is infected by the virus. D. The virus found in China comes from Vietnam. [判断题]依据华电《电力安全工作规程(热力和机械部分)》(2013年版), 锅炉空气动力场试验前应全面检查炉膛上方,确保试验时上部无落物的可能。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]受电弓气阀箱内的单向节流阀控制升降弓时间。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 钢轨的功用在于引导机车车辆的车轮前进,直接承受来自车轮和其他方面的各种力,且传递给轨下基础,并为车轮的滚动提供连续平顺和阻力最小的表面( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者男,55岁。酒后12h觉中上腹痛,继之呕鲜红色血液200ml来急诊。体格检查:腹软,中上腹有压痛,肝未扪及,脾肋下1.5cm,血压正常。经上述处理出血仍不止,一般先采取的措施是()
A. 三腔二囊管压迫止血 B. 门腔静脉分流术 C. 静脉滴注凝血酶原复合物 D. 给予普萘洛尔(心得安) E. 反复输血 F. 脾切除术 [多选题]工作负责人确认地线及防护标牌已全部撤除、人员机具已撤至安全区域后向( )销令。
A.行车调度 B.车场调度 C.车站值班员 D.工班长 [单选题]包用棚车代用行李车产生空驶时,空驶费( )。
A.按50%核收 B.按80%核收 C.按30%核收 D.不收 [单项选择]在数据库的三级模式中,描述数据库中全体数据的全局逻辑结构和特征的是( )。
A. 外模式 B. 内模式 C. 关系模式 D. 模式 [多选题]依据《工程建设项目施工招标投标办法》(7部委30号令),按照国家有关规定需要履行项目审批、核准手续的依法必须进行施工招标的工程建设项目,其()内容应当报项目审批部门审批、核准。
A.招标范围 B.招标方式 C.招标组织形式 D.资金来源 [单项选择]
The evolutionary process culminating in man was finally completed about 35,000 years ago with the appearance of Homo Sapiens, or "thinking man." (1) in broadest perspective, this represents the second major turning (2) in the course of (3) on this planet. The first occurred when life (4) out of inorganic matter. After that momentous (5) , all living forms evolved by adapting (6) their environment, as was evident during the climate turmoil of the Pleistocene. But with the (7) of man, the evolutionary process was (8) . No longer did genes adapt to environment. Instead, man adapted by changing the environment to (9) his genes. Today, a third (10) turning point appears (11) , as man’s growing knowledge of the structure and function of genes may soon enable him to (12) his genes as well as his environment. [单选题]粘贴式堵漏工具使用方法表述错误的是( )。(中)
A.根据泄漏口的形状,选用一块与之相吻合的仿形钢板。 B.将快速堵漏胶按1:2调好后敷在钢板上,将堵漏胶达到固化临界点时, C.用预先选好的组合工具将钢板迅速压至泄漏口上,几分钟后胶体固化,撤除工具,堵漏即告完成。 [单项选择]票据出票日期为3月20日,正确的填写应为( )。
A. 零叁月贰拾 B. 叁月零贰拾日 C. 零三月二十 D. 叁月贰拾日 [单选题]下沙晾堂操作中,原料蒸煮合格后,出甑至晾堂中,按( )得的比例补充,水温在( )以上的量水,要求均匀泼洒在粮醅中,团堆焖焐十分钟后即可摊开粮醅降温。
A.1 - 2% ;95 ℃ B.1 - 1.5%;95℃ C.1 - 2% ;90℃ D.1 - 1.5%;90℃ [简答题]根据《就业服务与就业管理规定》,就业登记的内容主要包括哪些?
A.20% B.25% C.30% D.50% [单选题]下列哪项不是诊断窦性心动过缓的必需心电图指标
A.心室率小于60次/分 B.P波在aVR倒置 C.P波在Ⅱ、aVF直立 D.QRS波群间期≤0.11秒 E.P-R间期≥0.12秒 [多项选择]为了使施工单位熟悉设计图纸和工程特点,应组织设计单位向施工单位进行设计交底,设计交底的内容包括( )。
A. 设计依据及参数 B. 设计意图 C. 特殊的工艺要求 D. 设计计算方法 E. 施工图设计文件总体介绍 [判断题]李某因涉嫌犯罪被公安机关取保候审,在取保候审期间,李某不能行使选举权。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在产品生命周期的( )阶段,公司会在吸脂和渗透定价战略之间做出选择。
A.成熟 B.引入 C.成长 D.衰退 [简答题]计量检定人员不得有哪些行为?
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