【问题3】 请用300字以内的文字,说明针对目前情况可采取哪些补救措施。 |
The Miss America celebration{{U}}
(67) {{/U}}as a beauty contest in 1921, but now prefers to avoid
such{{U}} (68) {{/U}}since beauty is no longer the primary{{U}} (69)
{{/U}}used to judge contestants. Each year in September, the celebration was
held in Atlantic City, New Jersey, {{U}} (70) {{/U}}for the year 2000,
when it was held on October 14. In January 2006 the celebration moved to its new
home and time in Las Vegas, Nevada. The celebration{{U}} (71)
{{/U}}itself as a "scholarship celebration ", and the{{U}} (72)
{{/U}}prizes for the winner and her runners-up are scholarships to the
institution of her choice. The Miss America Scholarship program, along with its
local and state programs, {{U}} (73) {{/U}}to be the largest provider
of scholarship money to young women in the world, and in 2006 made{{U}}
(74) {{/U}}more than $ 45 A. option B. goal C. quality D. purpose [多选题]以下哪些是应用层防火墙的特点()
A.更有效的阻止应用层攻击 B.工作在OSI模型的第七层 C.速度快且对用户透明 D.比较容易进行审计 E.略 F.略 [填空题]Quantity: (9)______yards
Name: fine (10)______ The manufacturer could accept orders according to specific designs and (11)______, if the order is a (12)______ one. [单项选择]
Most people hate rock music. (31) I am not an unreasonable or biased person (32) nature, two vivid and striking (33) experiences of rock music during the past two weeks have persuaded me that it has become a(n) (34) for those of us with enough common sense to see its (35) dangers to point them out. My first experience—perhaps a minor one, (36) highly symptomatic—was the realization that if I spoke to my teenage son when he was listening to rock music (37) headphones, he replied in an unnaturally loud voice, (38) there was something wrong with his hearing. The second occurred when I went with him to a "concert" and witnessed for myself (39) these affairs are like. Till I went to the concert, I had always (40) the "live and let live" attitude that rock music was simply not my (41) but that other people had (42) right to enjoy it if it was theirs. [单项选择]康明斯KTA-l9G2型柴油机的气缸布置形式为().
A. 直立式 B. V形 C. X型 D. 对置活塞式 [多选题]生产、经营或者进口国家命令禁止使用的可能产生职业病危害的设备或者材料的,依照有关( )的规定给予出发。
A. 法律 B. 行政法规 C. 宪法 D. 部门规章 E. 地方法规 [判断题]贷款档案主要包括借款人相关资料和贷后管理相关资料,应为资料的原件()
[多项选择]下列表述符合企业所得税法规定的有 ( )。
A. 企业发生的借款利息不超过银行同期同类贷款利率的可以在税前扣除 B. 企业出租的仓库取得的租金收入应计入应税收入,也可以作为计提招待费的基数 C. 企业出租的仓库取得的租金收入应计入应税收入,也不可以作为计提招待费的基数 D. 企业缴纳的房产税和城镇土地使用税可以在所得税前扣除 [多选题] ( )的机具,应按DL/T875的规定进行试验,经鉴定合格后方可使用
A. 自制 B. 改装 C. 主要部件更换或检修后 D. 长期未使用 [单选题]20世纪中国人民在前进道路上经历的第一次历史性巨大变化是( )。
A.新文化运动 B.五四运动 C.辛亥革命 [判断题]随着企业规模的发展,人力资源管理的职能变得更为复杂( )
A. 肺气失宣 B. 肺失清肃 C. 肺气上逆 D. 痰热壅盛 E. 肺气闭塞 [单项选择]L4~5椎间盘突出时最可能影响的反射是
A. 膝腱反射 B. 跟腱反射 C. 肛门反射 D. 腹壁反射 E. 以上都不会影响 [单项选择]下列哪个物质中的砷含量较高()。
A. 含有机质较多的页岩 B. 含有机质较少的砂岩 C. 花岗岩 D. 黑土地 E. 黄土地 [单选题]道路旅客运输企业聘用驾驶员驾驶客运车辆,驾驶员要满足的条件是( )。
A.无有效的、适用的机动车驾驶证和从业资格证件 B.36个月内发生道路交通事故致人死亡且负同等以上责任的 C.最近3个完整记分周期内每个记分周期交通违法均未记满12分的 D.12个月内有 3 次以上超速违法记录的 [单选题]中固有一句古话,”山中方七日,世上已千年。”这句话包含的哲理是( )。
A.时间的绝对性 B.时间的相对性 C.时间的无限性 D.时间的有限性 [单选题]机体某一方面的机能受损甚至缺失后,可以通过精神力量、意志、情绪状态等,对整个机体能起到调节作用,帮助人战胜疾病和残缺,使身心依然得到发展,表明个体身心发展具有( )。
A.阶段性 B.顺序性 C.不平衡性 D.互补性 [判断题] 采石、石雕、水泥等粉尘危害行业的作业工人只需配戴一般卫生口果就可以有效防止尘肺病。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] Physical Features of the Country
The Map
The map on the adjoining page represents the portion of the North American continent which is at the present time occupied by the people of the United States.
As you look upon the map imagine that you are in the air, looking down upon it as from a balloon, and take notice of what you see. On the east and on the west are the shores of two oceans. That on the east is the Atlantic. The Pacific is on the west.
The Lake Country
Toward the north is an immense tract of nearly level land, covered with forests, all of which are filled with water and form lakes, some large and others small. This land, though level, is high, so that there is a very considerable though gradual descent from the lakes to the ocean. The lakes are kept constantly full by the rains and by the melting of the snows, and the surplus waters flow off in one vast channel, northward and eastward to the sea.
One of the large lakes, t
[多项选择]下列各项中,符合消费税纳税地点规定的有( )。
A. 纳税人销售的应税消费品及自产自用的应税消费品,应当向纳税人机构所在地或者居住地主管税务机关申报纳税 B. 进口的应税消费品,由进口人或其代理人向报关地海关申报纳税 C. 纳税人的总机构与分支机构不在同一县(市)的.分支机构应回总机构申报纳税 D. 纳税人到外县(市)销售自产应税消费品的,应向纳税人核算地主管税务机关申报纳税 E. 委托加工的应税消费品,由委托方向所在地税务机关申报纳税 [单项选择]一般药物口服LD 50与静脉给药的LD 50相比
A. 大于 B. 小于 C. 相等 D. 大于或等于 E. 小于或等于 [填空题]输送辊对由输送辊和( )组成。 P55
A. 牙嵌离合器 B. 摩擦离合器 C. 超越离合器 D. 以上都不正确 [单选题]下列哪一项,不是社会公共生活的主要特征 ( ) 。
A. 活动范围的广泛性 B. 交往对象的复杂性 C. 活动内容的开放性 D. 交往时间的延续性 [单项选择]Windows 98内置了某个多媒体软件组件提供了一套API函数,利用这些函数可以编写出许多高性能的实时多媒体应用程序(如游戏软件),而无需深入了解机器板卡的硬件特性。这个多媒体软件组件是( )。
A) GDI B) OpenGL C) MCI D) DirectX [多选题]多选题 防止触电的技术措施中,()是最为常见的安全措施。
A. 绝缘 B. 屏护 C. 间距 D.潮湿 [单选题]开断短路电流的,应能可靠地切断安装处可能发生的( )短路电流。
A.最大 B.最小 C.平均 D.额定 我来回答: 提交