6-10 It’s 10 p. m. You may not know where your child is. But the chip does. The chip will also know if your child has fallen and needs immediate help. Once paramedics arrive, the chip will also be able to tell the rescue workers which drugs little Johnny or Janic is allergic to. At the hospital, the chip will tell doctors his or her complete medical history. And of course, when you arrive to pick up your child, settling the hospital bill with your health insurance policy will be a simple matter of waving your own chip--the one embedded in your hand. To some, this may sound far-fetched. But the technology for such chips is no longer the stuff of science fiction. And it may soon offer many other benefits besides locating lost children or elderly Alzheimer patients. "Down the line, it could be used as A. telling the location of your child B. telling doctors your child’s medical history C. telling whether your child needs immediate help D. telling the rescue workers which medicine your child should take at once [单选题]应急管理部对下列消防救援人员实施处分( )。
A.总队级正职、副职干部 B.一、二级专员 C.专业技术四、五、六、七级干部 D.以上都是 [单选题]高级场面运动引导控制系统的缩写为( )
A.SMGCS B.A- SMGCS C.B- SMGCS D.C- SMGCS [单选题]2.女,15岁,因体育活动不慎骨折,入院后恐惧、焦虑、经常哭泣,应采取的护理措施是
A..允许陪伴 B..通知医生 C..让其倾诉,给予安慰 D..通知家属 E..给予镇静药 [判断题]逐日平均流量表审查,是对全年各时段整编方法、定线、高低水延长、关系曲线检验、推流等环节的合理性审查等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于晶状体核硬度分级,错误的是()。
A. Ⅰ级核为硬核,裂隙灯下为透明或淡灰白色 B. Ⅱ级核呈灰白或灰黄色 C. Ⅲ级核呈黄色或淡棕黄色 D. Ⅳ级核呈深黄色或淡琥珀色 E. Ⅴ级晶状体核呈深棕褐色或黑色 [判断题]换出的长钢轨当日回收不完时,宜存放在信号机附近。在道心存放换出的长钢轨时,两根长钢轨的端部应互相错误开,用固定卡卡在轨枕上或穿入木枕固定,中间亦应用固定卡卡在轨枕上或穿入木枕固定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]《空调列车服务质量规范》中臂章佩戴在上衣 。
[多项选择]财政行政诉讼的基本制度有( )。
A. 合议制度 B. 回避制度 C. 公开审判制度 D. 谈判制度 E. 两审终审制度 [单选题]下⾯哪些作业判定不是受限空间作业( )。(0 .20分)
A. 作业者头部在地⾯以下的沟内进⾏作业 B. 动⼟作业时,作业者⾝体处于物理或化学危害之中 C. 对⼚区进⾏绿化,挖⼀个1⽶深的坑种树 我来回答: 提交