某地区劳动力文化程度的资料一览表 (单位:万人) | |||||||
分组 | 合计 | 文盲 | 小学 | 初中 | 高中 | 大专 | 本科及以上 |
男性 女性 总计 | 345 405 750 | 27 48 75 | 117 228 345 | 120 90 210 | 60 30 90 | 9 6 15 | 12 3 15 |
Urban life has always involved a
balancing of opportunities and rewards against dangers and stress; its
motivating force is, in the broadest sense, money. Opportunities to make money
mean competition and competition is stressful; it is often most intense in the
largest cities, where opportunities are greatest. The presence of huge numbers
of people inevitably involves more conflict, more traveling, the overloading of
public services and exposure to those deviants and criminals who are drawn to
the rich pickings of great cities. Crime has always flourished in the relative
anonymity of urban life, but today’s ease of movement makes its control more
difficult than ever; there is much evidence that its extent has a direct
relationship to the size of communities. City dwellers may become trapped in
their homes by the fear of crime aroun A. giving the individual a say in planning B. dispersing long established communities C. forcing people to live on top of each other D. making people move to the suburbs [单选题]车站上、下行交叉的道岔区接触网及穿越上下行线路的接触网属于____。
A.禁止V形天窗作业区段 B.不同供电单元线索同杆架设安全距离不足区段 C.不同供电单元线索交叉跨越安全距离不足区段 D.不同带电线索并行且作业安全距离不足区段 [单选题]稀释蒸汽发生系统腐蚀的预防措施有( )。
A.控制稀释蒸汽汽包的连续排污量 B.控制工艺水PH值在 C.向汽油分馏塔汽油回流中注入汽油组聚剂 [单项选择]装配C51手动传动桥反向限制销的塞时,下面哪一个是涂抹在塞上的?()
A. 齿轮油 B. 底漆 C. 润滑脂 D. 闭锁粘合剂 [单选题][T]AC005 5 1 5
根据国家标准规定,安全标志由( )构成。 A.安全色、几何图形和图形、符号 B.安全色、几何图形、符号 C.安全色、图形、符号 D.安全色、几何图形和图形 [简答题]开炼机由哪几个部分组成?各起作用?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]临时处理或紧急处理折断的钢轨时,应先在断缝两侧轨头非工作边做出标记,标记间距约为( )米。
A.7 B.8 C.9 D.10 [单选题]根据《民航安全检查工作手册》第87条,对于带墨镜、围巾遮挡面部等影响人、证识别或面部图像采集的旅客,民航安检员应( )。
A.要求其摘下后进行验证检查工作 B.告知其不准携带 C.对其进行从严检查 D.对其携带物品进行从严检查 [多项选择]工程项目风险识别,一般可按( )途径进行风险分解。
A. 时间维 B. 空间维 C. 结构维 D. 目标维 E. 环境维 我来回答: 提交