A father’s relationship to his child’s current and future academic success and the level of his or her development in academic potential and scholastic achievement are both factors with some rather interesting implications that educators are beginning to study and appraise. As a matter of fact, "life with father", has been discovered to be a very important factor in determining a child’s progress or lack of progress in school.
A recent survey of over 16,000’ children made by the National Child Development Study in London, England, revealed that children whose fathers came to school conferences and accompanied their children on outings did measurably better in school than did those children x, hose fathers were not involved in these activities. The study, which monitored children born during a weekMarch, 1958, from the time of their birth through the years of their early schooling, further revealed that the children of actively involved fa
A. about two-thirds of the fathers involved in the study
B. a little less than one hundred percent of all fathers
C. slightly less than half of the fathers studied
D. more than three-quarters of all the fathers
Questions 166-168 refer to the
following table. Programming for Sunday, March 26 11:30 A.M. Ch 4 Business Review A review of this week’s business news. This week’s special guest is international business analyst Marilyn Kim of the McGuire Institute. 1:00 P.M. Ch 9, 11 Company Profiles An in-depth look at significant companies around the world. Featured this week are Limnex, Inc., and Asian Global Industries, two newcomers to the international finance scene. 1:30 P.M. Ch 4 Up Front with Pofitics and Economics Discussion of the latest political decisions affecting business and finance. Host Richard Lee interviews political analysts and finance experts. 2:00 P.M. Ch 7, 13 Business Today Recent innovations in business. This week we A. (A) Concerts B. (B) Business programs C. (C) Travelogues D. (D) Sports events [单项选择]孕妇,36岁,孕35周,人工流产2次。因近半个月反复少量无痛性阴道出血而入院。检查:血压96/64mmHg,宫缩持续20s,间歇5~6min,强度弱,胎方位LSA(骶左前位),胎心率130/min。
入院待产1周时,阴道突然出血300ml,有稀弱宫缩。测血压90/60mmHg,胎心率150/min。最佳处理方法为 A. 阴道助产 B. 应用子宫收缩抑制药 C. 输血,继续观察 D. 应用地塞米松促胎肺成熟 E. 止血,期待疗法 [单项选择]作为咨询心理学形成的条件之一,心理测验的创始人()发表了“心理测验与测量”一文。
A. 高尔顿 B. 卡特尔 C. 比纳—西蒙 D. 帕森斯 [单选题]企业常用的控制手段不包括( )。
A. 统计分析 B. 审计 C. 核算 D. 预算 [单项选择]根据合同法规定,标的物提存后,毁损、灭失的风险( )。
A. 由债权人承担 B. 由债务人承担 C. 由债权人和债务人共同承担 D. 由提存机关承担 [多项选择]施工现场用电导线截面应按( )选择。
A. 允许电流 B. 允许电阻 C. 机械强度 D. 环境温度 E. 允许电压降 [填空题]坏疽分为 ① , ② 和 ③ 。
[单选题]以经济建设为中心,坚持( ),坚持改革开放,构成十一届三中全会的基本内容。
A.实事求是 B.四项基本原则 C.邓小平理论 [单选题]班组骨干经岗前培训合格后2年内有效,技术工人和一般人员经岗前培训合格后( )年内有效。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [多选题]全域旅游提出的时代背景包括_______。
A.新时代对传统旅游发展模式的变革诉求 B.旅游消费与居民休闲之间的区隔逐渐模糊 C.旅游业在中国新常态发展下的责任担当 D.可持续发展的必然要求 [单选题]SFC型扣件按无砟道床形式应为( )扣件。
A.无挡肩 B.有挡肩 C.有螺栓 D.无螺栓 [单项选择]关于第一心音,描述错误的是
A. 标志着心室收缩开始 B. 与心尖冲动同时出现 C. 声音较低钝,历时较长 D. 半月瓣关闭引起的振动形成 E. 心尖部听诊最清楚 [单项选择]慢性肺源性心脏病患者急性加重期慎用()。
A. 镇静剂 B. 祛痰剂 C. 解痉平喘药 D. 呼吸兴奋剂 E. 抗感染药物 [多选题]以下用户实行峰谷分时电价的是( )。
A.全省公路收费站 B.广播电视站无线发射台(站) C.大工业用户 D.受电变压器容量在100kVA及以上的一般工商业及其他用户 我来回答: 提交