My parents’ house had an attic, the
darkest and strangest part of the building, reachable only by placing a
stepladder beneath the trapdoor, and filled with unidentifiable articles too
important to be thrown out with the trash but no longer suitable to have at
hand. This mysterious space was the memory of the place. After many years all
the things deposited in it became, one by one, lost to consciousness. But they
were still there, we knew, safely and comfortably stored in the tissues of the
house. These days most of us live in smaller, more modem houses or in apartments, and attics have vanished. Even the deep closets in which we used to pile things up for temporary forgetting are rarely designed into new homes. Everything now is out in the open, openly acknowledged and displayed, and whenever we grow tired of a memory, an old chair, a trunkful of old l A. simplicity B. sophistication C. openness D. immensity [单项选择]手术后3天出现腹胀、呕吐,首先考虑()
A. 粘连性肠梗阻 B. 肠麻痹恢复期 C. 腹腔出血 D. 消化道内出血 E. 腹腔感染 [简答题]陶制茶具的特点是什么?
[单选题]车在列车中连续连挂不得超过( )
A.一 B.二 C.三 [判断题]地铁电环调管辖范围:运营公司自属和运行状态的改变对地铁供电系统安全有决定作用的设备。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]动态分析指标主要有( )等指标。
A. 静态投资回收期 B. 总投资收益率 C. 内部收益率 D. 净现值 E. 净年值 [单项选择]在项目建议书阶段,投资估算和成本估算的精确度在( )左右。
A. ±20% B. ±30% C. ±50% D. ±10% [单项选择]以下哪项不是网络防攻击研究的主要问题()
A. 网络可能遭到哪些人攻击 B. 攻击类型与手段可能有哪些 C. 如何采取相应的网络安全策略与网络安全防护体系 D. 如何采取补救措施以减小损失 [单选题]金融机构应当在大额交易发生之日起( )个工作日内,以电子方式提交大额交易报告。
A.2 B.5 C.7 D.10 [判断题]单位银行结算账户的存款人可以开立多个基本存款账户。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]三相电动机的定子绕组有哪两种连接方式?
A.投资方案全寿命期费用 B.建设周期对投资效益的影响 C.投资方案投产后的使用费 D.资金的时间价值 [单选题]任何单位、个人( )违法划定停车泊位和设置其他设施、障碍物,占用、阻塞公共疏散通道、安全出口、消防车通道、消防车登高场地。
A.可以 B.不应 C.不得 D.应当 [简答题]
In a game the moves are set Up beforehand. In a non-game situation the moves are supposed to arise out of events as these develop. A girl wants to encourage her boyfriend so she pretends to be busy when he phones her or she pretends that someone else is courting her. (46) A young child who is reluctant to go to bed deliberately spills milk from a cup onto the carpet so that the ensuing fuss and scolding the immediacy of his bedtime will be forgotten. Diplomats at a conference make a great fuss over the shape of the table as they play the procedural game. (47) An agent selling the film rights in a first novel casually mentions other parties who have shown an interest in buying the rights. A hostess deliberately places a seductive lady next to a husband with a jealous wife. Union negotiators go through a ritual of complains before setting down to discuss the current issue. [单选题]CM模式应用的局部效果可能较好,而总体效果可能不理想的是( )的工程。
A.设计变更可能性较大 B.时间因素最为重要 C.质量因素最为重要 D.因总的范围和规模不确定而无法准确定价 [单选题]线槽内导线总净面积不应大于线槽净面积的 ( ) 。
A. 40% B. 50% C. 60% D. 70% [判断题]通过新一代网点平台综合汇款交易进行个人贷款专户定向划付、融资易定向划付是,系统自动校验收款人姓名、账号与个贷系统绑定信息是否相符;系统自动判断借据余额、融资易转账额度是否足够支付。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]不自信、缺乏安全感及()是退缩婴幼儿的常见主要表现。
A. 不善于交往 B. 主动交往 C. 乐观 D. 独立性强 [判断题]在无需高压设备停电或做安全措施配合的二次系统、动力等回路上的工作选用厂站第二种工作票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Waldenstram巨球蛋白血症的表现,描述不正确的是()
A. 好发于老年人 B. 溶骨性病变较多见 C. 可多年无症状 D. 可有神经系统损害 E. 血液黏滞度增高 [单选题]机械制图基本视图中由右向左所得的投影为( )。
A.主视图 B.俯视图 C.左视图 D.右视图 [单项选择]保养工程主要是检查其保养质量是否达到()、保养频率是否符合规定要求
A. 设计标准 B. 规定标准 [单选题]线路局部停电作业,由_______通知⼯作许可⼈撤除地线,摘下
A.⼯作执⾏⼈ B.⼯⻓领导⼈ C.⼯作监护⼈ D.⼯作组员 [单选题]GPS的位置数据可显示在CDU的哪个页面上?
A.只在POS B.INIT页面显示 C.在POS INIT页面和POS REF页面显示 D.在CDU上不能显示GPS的位置数据 [多选题]供用电合同管理业务类包括以下( )业务。
A.合同新签 B.合同续签 C.合同变更 D.合同终止 [单选题]导管部分脱出后的做法错误的是:( )
A.消毒后立即按原长度送入 B.消毒后盘旋固定在敷贴下,拍胸片定位后再做处理 C.剪断脱出部分后,妥善固定 D.拔出导管 [多选题]BD016抽油机曲柄平衡方式的特点是()
A.调平衡方便 B.曲柄上有很大的负荷 C.曲柄上有很大的离心力 D.装置精度要求高 [填空题]Elderly people respond best to a calm and unhurried environment. This is not always easy to{{U}} (36) {{/U}}as their behavior can sometimes be annoying. If they get excited or{{U}} (37) {{/U}}then they may become more confused and more difficult to look after. Although sometimes it can be{{U}} (38) {{/U}}difficult, it is best to be{{U}} (39) {{/U}}and not to get upset yourself. You should always{{U}} (40) {{/U}}old people to do as much as possible for themselves but be ready to lend a helping hand when{{U}} (41) {{/U}}.
{{U}} (42) {{/U}}memory makes it difficult for the person to recall all the basic kinds of in formation we take for granted. The obvious way to help in this situation is to supply the information that is missing and help them make{{U}} (43) {{/U}}of what is going on.{{U}} (44) {{/U}}
When the elderly person makes confused statements, for example, about going out to his or her old employment or visiting a dead relative, correct them a calm matte
A. 直接的近景性动机 B. 间接的近景性动机 C. 远景性动机 D. 直接的远景性动机 E. 间接的远景性动机 [单选题]3月,我国海军装备的第二艘055型万吨驱逐舰——()在青岛某军港正式官宣亮相
A.南昌舰 B.武昌舰 C.拉萨舰 D.青海舰 [简答题]试论述励磁涌流是在什么情况下产生的?有何特点?变压器差动保护中怎样克服励磁涌流的影响?
A.量程 B.规格 C.电压等级 D.参数 [多项选择]下列哪些选项能够帮助演讲者准备有效的演讲摘要()。
A. 写出要点和次要点 B. 列出结构提纲 C. 摘录重要材料的关键性信息 D. 提示词和标记 [判断题](47127)( )钢轨水平误差一般是指在较短的距离内,一股钢轨顶面高于另一股。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]回转体的曲面(回转面)是由一条动线(直线或曲线)围绕轴线回转而成的,这条动线称为()线。
A. 轮廓线 B. 边线 C. 子线 D. 母线 我来回答: 提交