What can dogs see The answer to this
question is disappointing; dogs {{U}} (67) {{/U}} see no colors. The
answer is disappointing {{U}} (68) {{/U}} many owners of dogs will
naturally be sorry that their dogs cannot see colors which to them are
beautiful. But then, they may {{U}} (69) {{/U}} that clogs have an
extraordinary {{U}} (70) {{/U}} sense of smell. The dog’s world is
{{U}} (71) {{/U}} in enjoyable smells, {{U}} (72) {{/U}} it may be
colorless. How do we know if dogs are color-blind This has been tested in the same way {{U}} (73) {{/U}} it has been discovered what dogs can hear. The {{U}} (74) {{/U}} has been made to train dogs to salivate (流口水) when they are shown {{U}} (75) {{/U}} different colors. Such experiments have {{U}} (76) {{/U}} failures; it has been found impossible to make dogs {{U}} (77) {{/U}} colors from A. that B. it C. which D. what [多选题]检修(施工)单位的()名单应事先送设备运维管理单位备案。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作许可人 C.工作负责人 D.专责监护人 [单选题]单选题】任何运行中的星形接线设备的中性点,应视为( )设备。
A. 不带电 B. 停电 C. 带电 D. 部分停电 [单选题]建设工程监理的理论基础是( )。
A.建筑学 B.建筑经济学 C.建设项目管理学 D.统筹学 [单选题]ITU-T规定对于任何级别的STM-N帧,帧频是( )。
A.8000帧/秒 B.5000帧/秒 C.125帧/秒 D.800帧/秒 [单选题]在旅游团参观5A级景区绍兴兰亭前,导游详细介绍了王羲之创作天下第一行书《兰亭集序》的故事,当游客追问真迹下落时,导游告诉游客等进入景区后再告知答案,这种导游讲解方法属于( )。
A.触景生情法 B.虚实结合法 C.问答法 D.制造悬念法 [单选题]ZD6转辙机速动爪与速动片的间隙,在解锁时不小于( )。
A.0.2mm B.1.2mm C.1.5mm D.2mm [判断题]制动管路应为专用的耐腐蚀的高压管路
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]根据《国家电网公司分布式电源并网服务管理规则》(国家电网企管〔2014〕1082号),全额上网的分布式电源发用电合同签订后报省公司交易中心备案。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]What does the word "unemployment" mean?
A.失业 B.经济 C.活动 D.福利 [不定项选择题]甲、乙两公司均为股份有限公司,2017年和2018年发生业务如下:
A.4396万元 B.4896万元 C.4920万元 D.4944万元 [单项选择]
As we enter the 21st century, a new global economy draws nations ever closer. But our growing interdependence (1) on much more than technology and trade. For we are linked intrinsically (本质地) by the physical and biological webs that (2) life on our planet—and, increasingly, by the threat of their unraveling (散开). Indeed, (3) we reach across borders and face this threat together, the next century may (4) an Earth in ecological crisis, with half of all (5) gone, and our grandchildren enduring deadly floods, drought and disease (6) by global warming. [多选题]一般选择焊接电流的依据有()等。
A.焊条直径和焊条药皮类型 B.焊接电源种类及极性 C.焊接空间位置 D.焊件尺寸及接头型式;焊接场所及环境温度 [判断题]受理行已经录入的系统内资金汇划借记业务并发送到接收行的数据,如发现错误,无论接收行是否复核前均可使用“3186系统内资金汇划业务”交易进行撤销。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交