In the summer of 999, Leif Erikson
voyaged to Norway and spent the following winter with King Olaf Tryggvason.
Substantially the same account is given by both the Saga of Eric the Red and the
Flat Island Book. The latter says nothing about Leif’s return voyage to
Greenland, but according to the former it was during this return voyage that
Leif discovered America. The Flat Island Book, however, tells of another and
earlier landfall by Biarni, the son of a prominent man named Heriulf, and makes
that the inspiration for the voyage to the new land by Leif. In brief, like
Leif, Biarni and his companion sight three countries in succession before
reaching Greenland, and to come upon each new land takes 1 "doegr" more than the
last until Biarni comes to land directly in front of his father’s house in the
lastmentioned country. This narrative has been rejected by A. reasonable for Biarni to land precisely at his father’s home B. possible to sail from Norway to Greenland without modern navigational equipment C. likely that Biarni landed on America at least 100 years before Leif Erikson D. probable that Leif Erikson followed the same course as Biarni [单选题]三相380V电动机的绝缘电阻应大于(),否则应对电动机绕组烘干。
A.0.1MΩ B.0.5MΩ C.0.8MΩ D.1.0MΩ [单选题]患者,男,68岁。患心脏瓣膜病、房颤20年,服用地高辛5年。近3天突然出现恶心、呕吐,同时伴有心悸、头痛、头晕、视物模糊。心电图示室性期前收缩二联律。患者可能出现了
A.消化性溃疡 B.心力衰竭 C.低血压 D.高血压 E.洋地黄类药物中毒 [单项选择]在澳大利亚的悉尼市当地时间中午12点面向太阳站立,太阳未来一小时的视运动方向是()。
A. 向东 B. 向南 C. 向西 D. 向北 [多选题]下列属于消防人员的基本防护装备的是()。
A.消防员灭火防护头套 B.消防员隔热防护服 C.消防员避火防护服 D.消防员呼救器后场接收装置 [单选题]《中央行政单位通用办公设备家具配置标准》中,《中央行政单位通用办公家具配置标准表》中,处级及以下人员办公椅的价格上限为()元?
A.A.500 B.800 C.1000 D.1200 [单选题]对温油炸叙述错误的句子是( )。
A.生坯下锅后要用工具迅速翻动 B.炸制时一般不能用力搅动 C.油温烧至五成热 D.需要保持口感酥脆的品种 我来回答: 提交