In studying both the recurrence of
special habits or ideas in several districts, and their prevalence within each
district, there come before us ever-repeated proofs of regular causation
producing the phenomena of human life, and of laws of maintenance and diffusion
conditions of society, at definite stages of culture. But, while giving full
importance to the evidence bearing on these standard conditions of society, let
us be careful to avoid a pitfall which may entrap the unwary student. Of course
the opinions and habits belonging in common to masses of mankind are to a great
extent the results of sound judgment and practical wisdom. But to a great extent
it is not so. That many numerous societies of men should have believed in the
influence of the evil eye and the existence of a firmament, should have
sacrificed slaves and goods to the A. skepticism. B. approval. C. indifference. D. disgust. [单项选择]When a member of an ethnic minority group acquires the behavior patterns, lifestyles, values, and language of the mainstream culture we say that he or she has become culturally assimilated. Since the dominant group controls most of the social, economic, and political institutions in a society, members of ethnic minority groups must acquire its cultural traits to move up the social and economic ladder. When studying this concept, it is important to learn that although non-White ethnic minorities may become totally assimilated culturally, they will still be victims of discrimination and racism because of their different physical characteristics.
A widespread myth is that Mexican Americans and Afro-Americans experience discrimination because they often have meager educations and live in ghettos. Even though it is true that many Blacks and Mexican Americans are members of the lower socioeconomic classes, and that all lower-class individuals are treated differently than middle-a A. in which Mexican Americans live B. in which lower-class people live C. where people entertain themselves D. where minorities are welcome [判断题]配备消防员优先保障基层单位机关及勤务保障单位因工作原因临时借用消防员必须严格控制,由支队以上单位正职领导审批,借用时间一般不超过30日
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]187. 当个贷客户经理负责管理的全部个人贷款不良率超过( ), 或个人经营类贷款不良率超过( ) 时, 实施预警管理措施
A.1%, 5% B.1%, 2% C.2%, 5% D.2%, 3% [判断题]水环泵不属于容积泵。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]案情:赵刚与袁丽经人介绍结婚,婚后由于赵刚游手好闲,喜欢酗酒,喝酒后经常打骂袁丽,多次将其打伤。袁丽不堪忍受,遂于2007年5月10日向当地县人民法院提起自诉,要求追究赵刚虐待罪的刑事责任。县人民法院经过审查,于5月26日立案,并书面通知袁丽。县人民法院立案后,经审查,认为缺乏罪证,遂直接裁定驳回起诉。袁丽于2007年6月10日又提出了新的证明被告人有罪的证据,再次提起自诉,县人民法院于6月16日立案并书面通知袁丽。在审理过程中,袁丽又提起了附带民事诉讼,要求赵刚赔偿医疗费、护理费、误工费等共计20312元,并提供了相关证据材料,县人民法院经审查予以受理。由于本案涉及到当事人隐私,县人民法院决定不公开审理。为了确定袁丽的伤情,县人民法院聘请鉴定人刘某(曾在6年前因过失伤害被判处有期徒刑1年缓期2年,现已执行完毕)对其伤情作出了鉴定结论,认定为轻伤。由于赵刚对鉴定结论有异议,法院依法通知刘某出庭作证并旁听庭审。在庭审中,袁丽未经法庭许可中途退庭,法院依法将其拘传到庭,继续审理;赵刚在庭审中拒绝其委托的辩护人进行辩护,要求另行委托辩护人,法院经审查认为没有正当理由,未予准许;赵刚的母亲陈某在旁听时冲向审判席,大吵大闹,审判长决定对其罚款1000元。2008年3月20日,在庭审的法庭辩论阶段结束后,法院依法对刑事部分和附带民事部分都进行了调解,当庭达成协议后,附带民事部分当庭执行完毕,法院将刑事附带民事调解协议记入笔录,经双方当事人签名后生效。
请指出本案诉讼程序有哪些违法之处,并说明理由。 [判断题]@ [T]AC003 5 2 5
半潜式钻井平台的主体浮筒处在海水波压力最强的深度以上,因此平台的稳定性好。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《国家电网公司变电验收管理规定》规定:办理设备移交手续前,由建设管理单位(部门 )和运维单位共同确认工程遗留问题,形成工程遗留问题记录,落实责任单位及整改计划,( )跟踪复验
A.运维单位 B.验收单位 C.运检部门 D.项目管理单位 [单选题]6.气焊黄铜时宜选用( )。
A.A.氧化焰 B.B.碳化焰 C.C.中性焰 D.D.任意选 [单选题]磷酸的分子式( )。
A.H2SO4 B.PCO C.H3PO4 D.Na2CO3 [单选题]阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)一般是指成人7小时的夜间睡眠时间内,至少有多少次呼吸暂停( )
A.30次 B.10次 C.20次 D.40次 E.50次 [单选题]三极管的基极用字母( )表示。
A. e B. b C. c D. g [判断题]现场作战指挥部的总(副)指挥员职责一共有七条。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于重新印发《南昌铁路局恶劣天气下客运组织应急预案》的通知(南铁客[2017]10号),恶劣天气不含( )。
A.暴雨 B.大雾 C.台风 D.小雨 [单项选择]常用来焊接除铝镁合金以外的铝合金的通用焊丝型号是( )。
A. SA1—3 B. SA1Si—1 C. SAlMn D. SA1Mg—5 [单选题]作业人员应经医师鉴定,无妨碍工作的病症,体格检查每( )至少一次。
A.半年 B.一年 C.两年 D.三年 [多选题]巡视导线时,应检查导线本体有无( )的痕迹。
A.断裂 B.损伤 C.烧伤 D.腐蚀 [单选题]不属于血管扩张药的是
A.硝普钠 B.利多卡因 C.硝酸甘油 D.酚妥拉明 E.尼莫地平 [判断题]“未确认行车凭证、道岔位置动车”属于红线类容中的行车客运部分
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交