Host: Could you tell me a little about the beginnings of your entering the field of mathematics
Mathematician: I started very, very young. I am self-taught, in fact. I have a high school degree, from the Bronx High School of Science. I don’t have a college degree. I only have an honorary doctorate.
Host: Can you tell me about your time at high school
Mathematician: Yeah. In 1956 when the Russians put Sputnik in orbit, the United States got terrified, so they started having special programs for gifted children to study science. I benefited from all of this. I went to a special NY high school for science called the Bronx High School of Science; there was a wonderful science and math library there. I was very fortunate that I was there at the right time, at a time when the United States was trying to make new scientists. I took university level courses in high school and they were wonderful courses because they were done by some of the best people in th
It has been necessary to refer
repeatedly to the .effects of the two world wars in promoting all kind of
innovation. It should be (1) also that technological
innovations have (2) the character of war itself by the
(3) of new mechanical and chemical device. One weapon developed
during World War Ⅱ (4) a special mention. The (5)
of rocket propulsions was well known earlier, and its possibilities as
a (6) of achieving speeds sufficient to escape from the
Earth’s gravitational pull had been (7) by the Russian and
the American scientists. The latter built experimental liquid-fuelled rockets in
1926. (8) , a group of German and Romanian pioneers was
working (9) the same lines and in the 1930s, it was this
team that developed a rocket (10) of delivering a warhead
hundreds of miles aw A. influence B. connection C. impact D. conflict [单选题]【单选】病人包某,男,24岁。因"风心病、房颤”人院,主诉心悸、头晕胸闷、四肢乏力、护士为其切脉时发现脉搏细速、不规则,同单位时间内心率大于脉率,听诊心率快慢不一,心律完全不规则,心音强弱不等。此脉搏属于()(1分)
A. 频率异常 B. 次数异常 C. 节律异常 D. 强弱异常 E. 动脉壁异常 [单项选择]关于家庭功能叙述正确的是
A. 家庭必须具备满足个人和社会的全部功能 B. 家庭功能具有多样性、独立性 C. 家庭功能具有广泛性 D. 家庭最基本的功能是满足社会 E. 家庭功能与文化的发展关系不大 [单选题]走道呈回字形的高层居民建筑,位于( )位置的房间起火后,内攻会由于烟热灌入走道而较为困难。
A.上风 B.下风 C.东侧 D.西侧 [单选题]在倾角在30°以下的井巷中,电缆应用( )悬挂。
A.A、吊钩 B.B、铁丝 C.C、夹子 D.D、扎带 [多选题] 叉车门架分为( )两大类。[1分]
A.滚动式. B.重叠式. C.开放式. D.并列式 [单项选择]At present about 10% of American citizens possess a microcomputer.
[多选题]询问最先到达火场救人的人的主要内容( )。
A.到达火场时,火势发展形势和特点,火焰、烟雾的形状和颜色等 B.到达火场时,火势蔓延到的位置和扑救过程 C.进入火场、起火部位的具体线路 D.扑救过程中是否发现了可疑物件、痕迹及可疑人员进出现场情况 [单项选择]()与大气电离率有关,并随纬度增加而增加,这种变化一般从7km以上高度开始。
A. 大气轻离子迁移率 B. 大气重离子迁移率 C. 大气电导率 D. 大气气溶胶浓度 [多项选择]采掘工作面或其他地点发现有突水征兆时,应当()。
A. 立即停止作业 B. 报告矿调度室 C. 发出警报 D. 撤出所有受水威胁地点的人员 E. 在原因未查清、隐患未排除之前,不得进行任何采掘活动 [单选题]下列()是构成雷电的基本条件。
A.云层带电量 B.带电积云 C.大地突出物形状 [填空题]若对关键字序列(43,02,80,48,26,57,15,73,21,24,66)进行一趟增量为3的希尔排序,则得到的结果为______。
A. 外铄论的观点 B. 内发论的观点 C. 多因素论的观点 D. 综合论的观点 [单项选择]缆索起重机的承载索须经常涂(),以减少摩擦力,并延长绳索的使用寿命。
A. 黄油 B. 机油 C. 植物油 D. 沥青 [多项选择]团体的组织关系和团体间相互依赖的关系有()
A. 团体规模 B. 分配给团体成员工作任务的专门化程度 C. 权限范围 D. 成员目标的一致性 [单选题]无缝道岔设( )对位移观测桩。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [判断题]从乙二醇精制塔各工艺参数的变化能初步判断产品是否合格。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
A. 双下肢软瘫 B. 肋间肌瘫痪 C. 膈肌瘫痪 D. 未联合使用抗生素 [单项选择]不会引起红色浆膜腔积液的是()
A. 创伤 B. 结核 C. 恶性肿瘤 D. 穿刺损伤 E. 类风湿病 [判断题]钢轨钻孔位置应在轨腹中和轴上,且必须倒棱,两螺栓孔的净距不得小于大孔径的2倍。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]沦陷区文学
址? A.WI B.HDC C.HDA D.ITA [单选题]《供电营业规则》规定,在电力系统瓦解或不可抗力造成供电中断时,仍需保证供电的,用户的保安电源应由(____)提供。
A.电力管理部门 B.供电企业 C.用户 D.发电企业 [单选题]带电作业工具房内的相对湿度应保持在50%~()%。室内温度应略高于室外,且不宜低于()℃。
A. A.80;5 B.B.70;0 C.C.80;0 D.D.70;5 [单项选择]在国际上,建设项目管理组织系统的一种常用模式是( )模式。
A. 线性组织结构 B. 职能组织结构 C. 项目组织结构 D. 矩阵组织结构 我来回答: 提交