With a record number of 51000 visitors
turning up at the National Art Museum of China for the Dunhuang {{U}} (67)
{{/U}} , museum curator Fan Di’an has not stopped smiling. The 53-year-old art historian is among the few in the Beijing artistic {{U}} (68) {{/U}} to {{U}} (69) {{/U}} designer haircuts and don fitted suits. The art {{U}} (70) {{/U}} is also a new face among the nation’s political advisors, and is to propose a solution to a {{U}} (71) {{/U}} problem Chinese museums face. "Currently, any artworks that are {{U}} (72) {{/U}} from overseas are taxed at high rate when entering the country. So museums find it difficult to accept donations from overseas," he said. Fan is currently {{U}} (73) {{/U}} in finding a {{U}} (74) {{/U}} for a new museum. "Maybe in the Olympic Village, we will have a really big {{U}} A. criticize B. reject C. advocate D. sport [多选题]电压互感器停用前,应注意下列()事项。
A.按继电保护和自动装置有关规定要求变更运行方式,防止继电保护误动和拒动 B.将二次回路主熔断器或二次空气开关断开,防止电压反送 C.只拉开高压隔离开关,不用拉开二次开关 [单选题]下列企业支付的佣金,可以全部在所得税前扣除的是( )。
A.甲企业为发行权益性证券支付给有关证券承销机构的手续费及佣金 B.丁企业委托某中介公司介绍客户,成功与中介公司介绍的客户完成交易,交易合同表明交易金额300万元,丁企业以22万元转账支票支付中介公司佣金 C.乙企业以现金方式支付某中介机构0.6万元佣金,以酬劳其介绍成功12万元的交易 D.保险企业丙2019年全部保费收入扣除退保金等后的余额为5000万元,以转账方式支付了800万元佣金 [单选题]支持结构的带电体距混凝土及金属结构的固定接地体的绝缘距离,静态值为( )mm。
A.100 B.150 C.200 D.500 [填空题]
{{B}}PART ONE{{/B}} ·You will hear three telephone conversations. ·Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the forms below. ·After you have listened once, replay each recording. {{B}}Conversation One{{/B}} ·Look at the note below. ·You will hear a man making a call about a delivery. Customer Order Form Order Reference
XR4930 Date Received 27/5/99 Customer Name Lacey Graphics Delivery Address {{U}} (1) {{/U}} Hailsham Industrial Estate Hailsham For the attention of:{{U}} (2) {{/U}} Order Details 10 boxes of{{U}} (3) {{/U}} Delivery Date {{U}} (4) {{/U}} Payment Method Invioce [多选题]市第六次党代会提出,拓展“两山”转化通道,支持崇义等地开展生态产品价值实现机制试点,推进 场化交易。
A.排污权 B.用能权 C.用水权 D.碳排放权 [填空题]在精炼处理过程中增加合金,可以()合金元素收得率。
A.老、弱 B.病、残 C.孕 D.老、幼 [单项选择]关于脾肾静脉分流术后护理,以下哪项错误( )。
A. 低蛋白饮食 B. 监测血小板 C. 细软饮食,不过烫 D. 早期起床活动 E. 观察意识状态 [单选题]某纺织厂违反劳动管理法规,以限制人身自由方法强迫职工劳动,以下不构成强迫劳动罪的情形是()
A.强迫妇女从事井下劳动 B.强迫妇女劳动,导致轻伤 C.采用扣发工资方式,强迫妇女劳动 D.强迫不满14岁的少女从事超体力劳动 [单项选择]在物价上涨得条件下,要保持实际利率不变,应把名义利率()。
A. 调高 B. 调低 C. 保持不变 D. 与实际利率对应 [判断题]不论在亚临界或超临界压力,提高质量流速是防止传热恶化、降低管壁温度的有效措施。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]地震,设备管理单位申请出巡检查时,优先安排的是( )。
A.工务轨道车 B.供电作业车 C.内燃机车 D.电力机车 [单项选择]甲公司与乙公司(均为一般纳税人)签订一份易货合同,合同约定甲公司以自己生产的一批A产品与乙公司等值交换,换取乙公司自产的B产品一批。根据增值税法律制度的规定,下列说法正确的是()。
A. 双方均无货币流动,均无需进行增值税处理 B. 甲公司发出A产品不必计算销项税额,乙公司收到A产品也不能抵扣进项税额 C. 甲公司和乙公司发出各自货物时,均应作销售处理,计算增值税销项税额 D. 甲公司和乙公司收到对方货物入库时,一律可以核算收到货物所含增值税税额,计入进项税额 我来回答: 提交