In 1999 when MiShel and Carl Meissner
decided to have children, they tackled the next big issue: Should they try to
have a girl It was no small matter. MiShel’s brother had become blind from a
hereditary condition in his early 20s, and the Meissners had learned that the
condition is a disorder passed from mothers to sons. If they had a boy, he
would have a 50 per cent chance of having the condition. A girl would be
unaffected. The British couple’s inquiries about sex selection led them to
Virginia, US, where a new sperm-separation technique, called MicroSort, was
experimental at the time. When MiShel became pregnant she gave birth to a
daughter. Now they will try to have a second daughter using the same
technique. The technique separates sperm into two groups—those that carry the X-chromosome (染色体) producing a female baby and t A. 91% of the women successfully give birth to girls B. 76% of the women get pregnant with boys C. it is more successful for those who want to have girls D. it is more successful for those who want to have boys [判断题]某市2004年经济适用住房的平均价格上涨了5%,其需求量下降了4%,则该类经济适用住房的需求富有价格弹性。 ( )
[判断题]开展“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育要注重理论学习 ,解决实质问题。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]不能作为紧急避孕的方法是()
A. 含铜宫内节育器 B. 米非司酮 C. 双炔失碳酯(53号抗孕片) D. 雌孕激素复方制剂 E. 丙酸睾酮 [判断题]《梦幻西游》手游联名卡是我行推出的首款以游戏为主题的联名卡,也是拓展年轻客户的特色产品。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对严重上扬、下压及水平档距大处放线滑车应验算,必要时采用特制结构。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]变电站(发电厂)第二种工作票可采取电话许可方式,但应(),并各自作好记录。
A.汇报 B.双方确认 C.视频监控 D.录音 [多项选择]下列选项中,表述量变是质变的基础的有()
A. 不积细流,无以成江海 B. 不积跬步,无以至千里 C. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子 D. 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴 [单选题]高压试验不得少于(),试验负责人应由有经验的人员担任。
A.一人 B.两人 C.三人 D.四人 [单项选择]妊娠合并心脏病孕产妇的主要并发症是
A. 出血 B. 感染 C. 强心苷类药物中毒 D. 心力衰竭 E. 产程延长 [多选题]( )属井控管汇。(按教材)
A. 节流管汇 B.压井管汇 C.放喷管汇 D.平板阀 E.节流阀 [简答题]简述输卵管的分部,受精、输卵管结扎的部位各在何处。
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