Feld, the shoemaker, was annoyed that
his helper, Sobel, was so insensitive to his reverie that he wouldn’t for a
minute cease his fanatic pounding at the other bench. He gave him a look, but
Sobel’s bald head was bent over the last as he worked, and he didn’t notice. The
shoemaker shrugged and continued to peer through the partly frosted window at,
the near-sighted haze of falling February snow. Neither the shifting white blur
outside, nor the sudden deep remembrance of the snowy Polish village where he
had wasted his youth could turn his thoughts from Max, the college boy (a
constant visitor in the mind since early that morning when Feld saw him trudging
through the snowdrifts on his way to school), whom he so much respected because
of the sacrifices he had made throughout the years in winter or direst heat— A. astonished. B. embarrassed. C. perplexed. D. ecstatic. [多选题]下列属于矿井井下防治水措施的有()。
A.留设防隔水煤(岩)柱 B.井下探放水 C.含水层的疏放降压 D.建设防水闸门和防水闸墙 [单项选择]35岁女性,初步诊断右乳腺上方乳腺纤维腺瘤,应采取的治疗方法是
A. 中医中药治疗 B. 择期手术 C. 限期手术 D. 急诊手术 E. 口服他莫昔芬(三苯氧胺)治疗 [判断题]行政处罚遵循公正、公开、信赖保护原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 联轴器的调整是为了找准( )与电机的中心位置
A. 泵轴 B. 轴套 C. 泵 D. 联轴器 [单项选择]对医学伦理学不伤害原则的准确理解是对病人()
A. 避免责任伤害 B. 避免技术伤害 C. 避免躯体伤害 D. 避免心理伤害 E. 以上都是 [多项选择]建筑施工企业的下列行为中,应作为不良行为记人其信用档案的有()。
A. 甲公司用仲裁方式解决与建设单位的合同履约纠纷 B. 乙公司中标后不与建设单位签订合同,受到行政处罚 C. 丙公司将承包的工程转包给他人被责令停业整顿 D. 丁公司允许包工头以自己的名义承包工程,被吊销了营业执照E.戊公司因工资纠纷被员工投诉 [名词解释]异地物种形成
[判断题] 年4月18日1时55分,某单位在处理#2炉#1制粉系统的原煤斗棚煤时,磨煤机出口温度达到200℃且时间过长,造成#1磨煤机出口温度过高,磨煤机内有异音,紧急停止#1磨煤机。经解体发现,#1磨煤机的打击轮背筋、大门材板及外周圈不同程度的过热损坏。所以员工不存在违章作业现象。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]员工坐姿要求:员工站于板凳前一尺,右腿向后退半步,坐于板凳的前 3/4。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下述哪项属于微服务自组织团队的范畴?(多选)
A.不断识别交付中的瓶颈,采用精益的方式快速验证和优化,小步快跑 B.You Build it,You Run it小团队,完成服务的分析、开发、测试、部署和运维 C.组织团队设计、开发、测试等角色分工明确、各司其职 D.康威定律-产品或系统的设计(架构)受到其生产组织自身沟通结构的制约 [多选题] 做口对口人工呼吸前应()。
A.应将伤员放在空气流通的地方 B.解松伤员的衣扣、裤带、裸露前胸 C.将伤员的头侧过 D.清除伤员呼吸道的异物 [单选题]线路大、中修验收标准规定,护轨接头靠基本轨一侧左右错牙不大于()mm。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [填空题]竣工验收文件,应包含对合同中有关文件编制和 条款的检查项。( )
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