Nightingale{{/B}} Florence Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy, while her wealthy English parents were traveling in Europe. As a child, she traveled to many places with her family and learned how to speak several languages. When Nightingale was 17, she told her family that she was going to help sick people. Her parents did not approve, but Nightingale was determined. She traveled to hospitals all Over Europe. She saw that doctors were working too hard. She saw that patients died because they did not get enough care. Nightingale felt that women could be doing more to help doctors take care of sick people. Nightingale knew that in order for nurses to do more, they needed special training in how to take care of sick people. Nightingale went A. got to work in a hospital. B. began to study nursing. C. started to care for sick people in their homes. D. became the head of Gentlewomen During Illness. [单选题]健康管理师从业过程中应当遵守保密原则,下列说法错误的是( )
A.健康管理师有责任向个人或群体说明健康管理工作的相关保密原则,以及应用这一原则时的限度 B.在健康管理工作中,就算发现个人或群体有危害自身或他人的情况,也必须遵循保密原则,相关资料、信息一律不可外泄 C.健康管理工作中的有关信息,包括个案记录、检查资料、信件、录音、录像和其他资料,均属专业信息,应在严格保密的情况下进行保存,不得泄露 D.健康管理师只有在个体同意的情况下才能对工作或危险因素干预过程进行录音、录像。在因专业需要进行案例讨论,或采用案例进行教学、科研、写作等工作时,应隐去可能会据此辨认出个体的有关信息 [判断题]精益化评价中发现的停电试验项目超周期设备,且最近一次年度评价“异常状态”或“严重状态”,应尽快(1个月内)开展停电检修。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]发现IC卡记录无轴温数据或IC卡故障时,通知乘务员重新刷卡下载数据。属IC卡故障的,由( )更换新卡并登记。
A.乘务员 B.机械师 C.轴温数据分析员 D.司机 [判断题]存放大型养路机械的股道,禁止存放及办理其他车辆的调车作
业(配合大型养路机械施工作业的车辆除外) 。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]直流电弧比交流电弧相对而言(____)。
A.易熄灭 B.难熄灭 C.熄灭难易差不多 D.熄灭难易不确定 [多项选择]因保险合同引起的纠纷,下列哪些人民法院有管辖权
A. 一般情况下,被告和原告住所地的人民法院都有管辖权 B. 一般情况下,保险标的物所在地的人民法院有管辖权 C. 如果保险标的物是运输工具,运输工具登记注册地人民法院有管辖权 D. 如果保险标的物是运输中的货物,运输目的地和保险事故发生地的人民法院都有管辖权 [判断题]林木资产抵押时,其林地使用权无须同时抵押;但林地使用权抵押时,林木资产必须同时抵押。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交