There are far too many road accidents
in this country, too many deaths and too many people injured. One wonders who
are most to (41) , drivers or pedestrians(行人). Some people
say that the blame cannot be (42) fairly without considering
the state of the roads and the whole (43) system. In
(44) cities like London, Birmingham or Manchester, mad
conditions are so chaotic(混乱的) that both driver and pedestrian (45)
endanger lives through no fault of their own. (46)
deficiencies as too many road signs, faulty traffic lights, sudden
narrowing of the streets, congested(拥挤的) parking are all a sure (47)
of bad road conditions. (48) , many experts are
(49) that the larger part of the blame (50)
the death toll(死亡人数) must be put on persons and persons (51)
: Drivers who drive too fast A. transfer B. transport C. transformer D. transmission [单项选择]Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the conversation. What is the woman doing at lunch time A. Giving a lecture. B. Practicing English. C. Working on a language problem. D. Reading a novel. [判断题]在司机需要最大牵引力的时间内,牵引制动手柄必须放置到100%位。这个命令表明要求最大的牵引力。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]电子皮带秤主要由几部分组成?
A.500,200 B.500,100 C.300,100 D.300,50 [多选题]火场排烟的方法主要有()排烟法。
A.封堵 B.自然 C.人工 D.机械 [单选题]某男,56岁,间歇性血尿半年。护士协助医师行膀胱镜检查后,对病人最重要的护理是( )
A.卧床休息 B.鼓励多饮水 C.给予止痛剂 D.给用抗菌药物 E.酌情给止血药 [多选题]邪教传播的主要方式是( )。
A.以神秘主义和伪宗教来吸引信众 B.以金钱诱惑信众 C.建立封闭的组织来精神控制信徒 D.以批判社会问题来招徕信众 [简答题]变压器哪些部位易造成渗油?
[单项选择]男,30岁,持续高热,医嘱血培养,其目的是( )。
A. 测定血清酶 B. 查找血液中的致病菌 C. 测定非蛋白氮含量 D. 测定电解质 E. 测定肝功能 [单选题]低碳炉停车后,保持进出口()个排气口打开。
A.20.0 B.22.0 C.23.0 D.24.0 [单选题]南方电网公司的供电范围覆盖五省区,包括广东、广西、云南、贵州、()。
A.福建 B.湖南 C.四川 D.海南 [单项选择]某建筑集团准备进入一个新市场开拓业务,为了承揽业务,在投标时以几乎不盈利的代价而中标,这种投标报价策略称为()
A. 先亏后盈法 B. 不平衡单价法 C. 扩大标价法 D. 开口升级报价法 [单项选择]在我国历史上“知行合一”是由()提出的。
A. 王阳明 B. 李卓吾 C. 黄宗羲 D. 陶行知 [单项选择]在伸缩式吊臂汽车起重机中,控制吊臂依次伸出或缩回的液压阀为()。
A. 调速阀 B. 单向阀 C. 换向阀 D. 顺序阀 [判断题]《功率因数调整电费办法》:以0.90为标准值的功率因数调整电费表,0.90为标准值的功率因数调整电费表中,功率因数自0.64以下,每降低0.01,电费增加2%。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交