Parents with an adopted child wonder whether, when and how to tell their child that he or she is adopted. They also want to know if there are special problems for an adopted child.
Child and adolescent psychiatrists (精神病学家) recommend that the child be told about the adoption by the adoptive parents. Children should be told about their adoption in a way that they can understand.
There are two different views on when a child should be told about the adoption. Many experts believe the child should be told at the earliest age possible. This approach provides the child an early opportunity to accept and integrate the concept of being "adopted". Other experts believe that telling a child too early may confuse the young child who can’t really understand the event. These experts ad vise waiting until the child is older.
In either case, children should learn of their adoption from the adoptive parents. This helps give the message that adoption is go
A. learn more about their adoption from the adoptive parents
B. read mere children's story books about adoption
C. stay at home because they think the adoption is shameful or bad
D. talk about it with other people such as neighbors
项目 | 2008年第三季度估计值 | 2008年第二季度 | 2008年第一季度 | 2007年第四季度 | 2007年第三季度 | 2007年第二季度 |
B. 23.68 C. 24.63 D. 25.37 [单项选择]学习历史,必须分清历史事实(史实)、历史解释、历史观点等。下列各项中,属于历史观点的是()
A. 刻在龟甲或兽骨上的商朝甲骨文主要出土于殷墟 B. 哥伦布率领船队横渡大西洋,发现了美洲新大陆 C. 孔子,名丘,字仲尼,系春秋时期鲁国陬邑人也 D. 卢梭的“社会契约论”是法国大革命的理论依据 [单项选择]Canada's largest city is
A. Montreal. B. Toronto. C. Ottawa. D. Vancouver. [单选题]爱国和爱党、爱社会主义高度统一就是爱国主义的( )
A.特征 B.属性 C.本质 D.源泉 [多选题]建设工程项目的现金流量按当年价格预测时,确定基准收益率需要考虑的因素包括( )。
A.投资周期 B.通货膨胀 C.投资风险 D.经营规模 E.机会成本 [单项选择]A weather map is an important tool for geographers. A succession of three or four maps presents a continuous picture of weather changes. Weather forecasters are able to determine the speed of air masses and fronts, whether an individual pressure area is deepening or becoming shallow and whether a front is increasing or decreasing in intensity. They are also able to determine whether an air mass is retaining its original characteristics or taking on those of the surface over which it is moving. Thus, a most significant function of the map is to reveal a synoptic picture of conditions in the atmosphere at a given time.
All students of geography should be able to interpret a weather map accurately. Weather maps contain an enormous amount of information about weather conditions existing over a large geographical area at the time of observation. They reveal in a few minutes what otherwise would take hours to describe. The United States Weather Bureau issues information about approachin A. 30-day "outlook" B. controlling storms C. satellites D. manipulating weather [多项选择]下列选项中,关于油漆工程的施工安装技术,叙述正确的有( )。
A. 悬空作业处应有牢靠的立足处,并必须视具体情况,配置防护网、栏杆或其他安全设施 B. 在用钢丝刷、板锉、气动、电动工具清除铁锈、铁鳞时,为避免眼睛沾污和受伤,应戴上防护眼镜 C. 在涂刷红丹防锈漆及含铅颜料的涂装时,应注意防止铅中毒,操作时要戴口罩 D. 在喷涂硝基漆或其他挥发性、易燃性溶剂稀释的涂料时,严禁使用明火 E. 使用的人字梯不准有断档,拉绳必须结牢,可以站在最上一层操作 [单选题]†年3月,甲啤酒厂(增值税一般纳税人)销售A型啤酒23吨给乙食品公司,开具增值税专用发票收取不含税价款80900元,收取包装物押金4600元;销售B型啤酒15吨给宾馆,开具普通发票收取含税价款38000元,收取包装物押金4000元。甲啤酒厂应缴纳的消费税税额是( )。
A.8000元 B.5600元 C.9050元 D.9500元 [单选题]为保证勘察作业的安全,其勘察人员必须严格按照( )执行。
A.施工组织设计 B.安全技术措施 C.施工方案 D.操作规程 [单项选择]血吸虫性肝硬化腹腔积液产生因素是
A. 白蛋白合成不足 B. 门脉压力增高 C. 血氨产生过多 D. 腹泻 E. 脾大 [单项选择]金黄色葡萄球菌感染局限化的物质是()。
A. 葡萄球菌A蛋白 B. 肠毒素 C. 杀白细胞素 D. 凝固酶 E. 表皮溶解素 我来回答: 提交