Very early in the morning, before
daybreak for the greater part of the year, the men would throw on their clothes,
breakfast on bread and fat, snatch the dinner baskets which had been packed for
them overnight, and hurry off across the fields to the farm. Getting the boys
off was a more difficult matter. Mothers would have to call and shake and
sometimes pull boys of eleven or twelve out of their warm beds in a winter
morning. Most of the young and those in the prime of life were thickset, red-faced men of good medium height and enormous strength, who prided themselves on the weights they could carry and boasted of never having had an ache nor a pain in their lives. The elders stooped, had gnarled and swollen hands and, walked badly, for they felt the effects of a life spent out of doors in all weathers and of the rheumati A. a stranger might have found them boring and uninteresting B. outwardly they all lived in exactly the same way as each other C. men in those days had different regional characteristics D. they had very boring lives with no modern entertainment [判断题]信箱(筒)收寄国内平常信件的处理过程是:开箱(筒)取信→理信、验视→销票→统计业务量并录入营业信息系统→按规定频次封发。
[多选题]消防救援机构进行消防监督检查时,可以根据需要要求被检查单位提供 ( )等资料、文件。
A. 各项防火安全管理制度 B. 防火检查、巡查、培训、演练记录 C. 新增消防产品、防火材料的合格证明材料 D. 燃油燃气设备安全装置和容器检测的记录资料 E. 有关建筑工程消防设计审核、验收、安检合格的文件、资料 [单项选择]急性乳腺炎常见的原因为()。
A. 病毒感染 B. 内分泌失调 C. 不良生活习惯 D. 饮食结构不合理 E. 乳汁淤积 [判断题]在ISIS中,在一台路由器上配置多个NET时,必须保证它们的System ID都相同。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 注册登记时,只对驾驶人座椅和前排乘员座椅,查验装置的汽车安全带是否均为三点式(或四点式)汽车安全带。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]《王兴之》墓志两面刻字,一面刻于东晋成康九年,一面刻于().
A. 永和三年 B. 永和四年 C. 永和七年 D. 永和九年 我来回答: 提交