In Cardiff I was put to work in
furniture department at one of the local stores. It was large, fairly out of
date, run (经营), like its parent company in London, by a group of relatives.
Being only a member of the store for a short time, I was in a very fortunate
position. The others, particularly the older members of the store, were
naturally asked to produce good sales figures. I was more of an observer. If I
made a sale, I was pleased, but if I didn’t, I would not be blamed. I was really
there to observe and learn, and as I had no interest in making a position in the
furniture business, I wasn’t too diligent (勤奋) about that either. One salesman in late middle age once expressed his insecurity (不安全感) by scolding me of trying to steal one of his customers (雇客). Nothing could have been further from the truth, but he demanded that I A. sales figures were not important for him B. he was younger than the others C. he produced good sales figures D. his pay was higher [单选题]骨折病人现场急救方法正确的是( )
A.对骨折断端应现场还纳 B.未确诊骨折者可暂不处理 C.止血带持续扎紧不能放松 D.对疑有脊柱骨折者应一人抱持搬运 E.先处理张力性气胸,再固定前臂骨折 [多项选择]好的汽车文案应具备以下特点()。
A. 真实性 B. 独创性 C. 整体性 D. 艺术性 [单项选择]淋巴结作病理切片检查,淋巴结内互成团的异型细胞,并有病理性核分裂相和角化珠形成,应诊断为()。
A. 淋巴结结核 B. 淋巴结慢性炎症 C. 淋巴结转移性腺癌 D. 恶性淋巴瘤 E. 淋巴结转移性鳞状细胞癌 [单选题]空压机辅助工作压力为( )。
A.8.4Bar B.7.5Bar C.6.8Bar D.4.5Ba [单选题]属于可燃性建筑材料是( )
A. 木材 B. 砼 C. 钢材 D. 砖 [单选题](单选).道德要求人们在获取( )的时候,是否考虑他人、集体和社会利益。
A.物质享受 B.社会福利 C.个人利益 D.个人薪酬 [单选题] 关于焊接通风技术措施设计的要求,下列说法错误的是()。
A.车间内施焊时,必须保证焊接过程中产生的有害物质能及时排出 B.有害物质可直接抽排至室外大气 C.采用通风措施后必须保证冬季室温在规定范围内,满足采暖需要 [单项选择]女性,40岁。发现右侧卵巢肿物近三个月,肿物稍有增大,手术切除见肿物圆形,有包膜,切面灰白色,可见纵横交错编织状条纹,无明显出血坏死,肿瘤细胞梭形,有胶原纤维形成,细胞无明显异型性,未见分裂像。此肿瘤可能是
A. 浆液性乳头状癌 B. 纤维瘤 C. 平滑肌肉瘤 D. 横纹肌肉瘤 E. 转移癌 [判断题]继电保护动作速度愈快愈好,灵敏度愈高愈好。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]不得穿着()防护装备,严禁私自拆改结构、去除附件。
A.非标 B.过期 C.新采购 D.库存 我来回答: 提交