Before going shopping, everyone expects tO make the
wise buying.Wise buying is a positive way{{U}} (26) {{/U}} you can make
your money go further.The {{U}} (27) {{/U}} you go about purchasing an
article or a service can actually save you money or can add {{U}} (28)
{{/U}} the cost. Take the{{U}} (29) {{/U}} example of a hairdryer.If you are buying a hairdryer, you might{{U}} (30) {{/U}} that you are making the {{U}} (31) {{/U}} buy if you choose one{{U}} (32) {{/U}} look you like and which is also the cheapest {{U}} (33) {{/U}} price.But when you get it home you may find that it{{U}} (34) {{/U}} twice as long as a more expensive {{U}} (35) {{/U}} to dry your hair.The cost of the electric A. before B. even though C. although D. after [简答题]
某大学图书馆进行装修改造,根据施工设计和使用功能的要求,采用大量的轻质隔墙。外墙采用建筑幕墙,承揽该装修改造工程的施工单位根据《建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范》(GB50210)规定,对工程细部构造施工质量的控制做了大量的工作。 [单项选择]( ) 对于 纠纷 相当于 垄断 对于 ( )
A. 调解 市场 B. 经济 价值 C. 磋商 议会 D. 劳动 权力 [单选题]制冰机在停止使用时应先做清理工作,再切断电源。( )
A.对 B.错 [单选题]不属于药物制剂开发设计基本原则的是
A.安全性 B.高效性 C.可控性 D.有效性 E.顺应性 [单项选择]子宫内节育器正常位置是上缘距宫底外缘多少厘米以内()
A. 1cm B. 1.5cm C. 2cm D. 2.5cm E. 3cm [单选题]利用安装在轨边的高精度声学传感器阵列采集滚动轴承振动声音信号。
A.TEDS B.TADS C.EOAS D.CIR [填空题]感官敏感期是()岁。
[单选题]电缆通道及变电站内的电缆支架及接地焊接等动火作业需办理( )。
A.动火工作票 B.第一种工作票 C.第二种工作票 D.施工作业票B [单项选择]Financial engineers don’’t wear white lab coats. They don’’t experiment on rats or perform gas chromatography(气相层析). Their raw material-money-isn’’t as showy as what biologists and physicists investigate. But the innovations they produce will contribute just as much to economic growth.
Maybe more, in fact, because without the science of finance, all other sciences are just a bunch of neat concepts. Ideas begin to tribute to human betterment when they’’re financed-by venture capital, stock offerings, loans, or buyouts. A smoothly operating financial system showers money on good ideas. Equally important, it cuts off funding to tired ideas and tired companies, so their assets can be employed more efficiently elsewhere.
In the 21st century economy, innovation in finance will increase in concert with the increase in competition. Partly because of deregulation and globalization, competition should get tougher, and margins thinner. As products such as home mortgage loans become commodit
A. take great pains to counter any other rival business firms. B. repel deregulation and globalization of financial service. C. employ information technology to make more profits. D. nvest in IT industry to create advanced software. [多选题]根据东京公约的规定,在因被采取行动的人所受待遇而提出的任何诉讼中,都不被认为负有责任。这类责任包括有( )。
A.民事责任 B.行政责任 C.经济责任 D.刑事责任 [判断题]液压支架不仅要能够可靠地支撑顶板,而且应能随着采煤工作面的推进向前移动。而这是通过立柱和推移千斤顶来完成的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]慢性支气管炎的康复,错误的是()
A. 紫外线采用胸背部照射 B. 氦-氖激光照射可采用穴位照射 C. 康复治疗不必与临床治疗结合进行 D. 共鸣火花对刺激性干咳有镇咳作用 E. 超短波的电容电极前后对置于胸背部 [判断题]对于中性点直接接地的三绕组自耦变压器,中压侧母线发生单相接地故障时,接地中性线的电流流向.大小要随高压侧系统零序阻抗大小而发生变化.; 收藏该题
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]养老保险模式-收入关联模式
A.A、装设电流互感器 B.B、装设电表 C.C、安装漏电保护器 D.D、安装熔断器 [单选题]对于因客户终端设备引起的单个故障(如微机、用户自备家用LAN路由器),应先向客户证明() 无故障并向客户解释出现问题的原因
A.公司网络 B.用户电脑 C.路由器 D.交换机 [单项选择]病人,男性,40岁,发现右肾多发结石,左肾盂结石直径1.2cm,当发生肾绞痛时,护士可准备哪些药物
A. 杜冷丁+654-2 B. 吗啡 C. 安痛定 D. 鲁米那钠 E. 冬眠灵 [多项选择]下列表述哪些可以成立( )
A. 司机白某在驾车途中因突发心脏病,把车停在了标有“此处禁止停车,违者罚款100元”处,但白某最终没有受到处罚。此为运用辩证推理的结果 B. 在法的适用中,需要对“父母有抚养教育子女的义务,子女有赡养扶助父母的义务”这一规定进行限制解释 C. 林某因他杀死亡,其与妻子的婚姻法律关系因此而终结。引起该婚姻关系终结的死亡事件属于法律事件 D. 已加入甲国国籍的原福建人沈某在乙国印制人民币假钞20万元,其行为是否适用中国法律,属于法的空间效力问题 [单选题]银行保险机构要制定应急()预案,切实加强突发事件状态下老年客户的服务保障。
A.管理 B.协调 C.服务 D.指导 [多项选择]带状疱疹的特点正确的是
A. 神经痛 B. 多累及肋间神经 C. 丘疱疹互相融合 D. 全身表现轻微 E. 常单侧发生 [填空题]从总量上看,凯恩斯认为利率与储蓄是()变动的。
[单选题]GB/T11901根据《水质悬浮物的测定重量法》(GB/T11901-1989)测定水中的悬浮物,一般以( )悬浮物量作为量取试样体积的实用范围。
A.(1~50)mg B.(1~100)mg C.(5~50)mg D.(5~100)mg [单选题]通过计算机监控系统进行操作的隔离开关或断路器,在其监控显示屏上的相应操作处,应()。
A.悬挂标示牌 B.设置相应标示 C.进行闭锁 D.设置操作密码 [简答题]试比较小规模纳税人与一般纳税人在计税方法上的异同点。
[填空题] With the recent rapid advances in information (36)_________, educational researchers at every level and in every (37) _____have developed new methods, tools, and (38)_________for instruction. As the Internet, email and multimedia have already become parts of most college students’’ lives nowadays; (39)_________these new information technologies to engineering and science instruction is a great (40)_________for teachers and researchers. Although the effectiveness and (41)_________of new information technologies on education are not yet well (42)_________ and documented the promises and (43)_________they hold for improving education are exciting. For example, individual students (44) _________________________.
Students at home and in work places can have access to learning material at any time. (45)_________________________. Students can work on learning materials at their own pace and discuss them with other people when they have questions. In other words, they can learn indivi
[单选题]作业人员工作中正常活动范围与110kV设备带电部分的安全距离小于( )m时,设备应停电。
A.1.5 B.1.75 C.1.8 D.2 [判断题]216.个人一手商用房贷款贷款期限与房屋已使用年限之和不超过30年。直辖市、直属分行和省会重点城市行可不超过40年。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列选项不构成立功的是()。
A.甲是唯一知晓同案犯裴某手机号的人,其主动供述裴某手机号,侦查机关据此采用技术侦查手段将裴某抓获 B.乙因购买境外人士赵某的海洛因被抓获后,按司法机关要求向赵某发短信“报平安”,并表示还要购买毒品。赵某因此未离境,等待乙时被抓获 C.丙被抓获后,丙的父亲找到同案犯藏匿地点,协助侦查机关将其抓获 D.丁被抓获后,向侦查机关提供同案犯的体貌特征,同案犯由此被抓获 [单选题]商品生产过程的劳动二重性,在资本主义生产过程中具体表现为( )。
A.劳动过程和价值形成过程的统一 B.具体劳动和抽象劳动的统一 C.私人劳动和社会劳动的统一 D.劳动过程和价值增殖过程的统一 [单项选择]
Text 2 Once free of Etruscan domination, the Romans developed a Republican form of government which lasted until the first century BC, and provided important continuity for Roman institutions. The motto "S. P. Q. R. "--Senatus Populusgue Romanus, "The Roman Senate and People" reflected the philosophy of the early Roman political and social order and remained the watchword of Roman society until Imperial times. It meant that sovereignty rested in the people themselves, and not in any particular governmental form. Yet in many ways the Roman Republic functioned as a democracy. Decisions affecting society were made at a series of assemblies which all citizens attended to express their will. The Senate, on the other hand, conducted the business of government including the passage of legislation and the supervision of elected magistrates. Over the centuries the greatest issues affecting Roman society were played out as dramas created by tensions between peopl [单项选择]下列施工计量器具中,属于强制性检定范畴的是()。
A. 声级计 B. 超声波测厚仪 C. 压力表 D. 垂直检测尺 [单项选择]某项目采用LEED-NC2009评价体系。符合所有必要选项,非必要选项得分为75分,该项目的认证级别为()。
A. 认证级 B. 银级 C. 金级 D. 铂金级 [多项选择]下列哪些不成功交易可通过E35147入账调整进行调整()。
A. 承兑确认 B. 收票确认交易 C. “提示付款线上清算成功”自动入账失败 D. 付款确认交易 [单项选择]安全规章制度体系中,环境安全管理制度主要不包括( )。
A. 安全标志管理制度 B. 作业环境管理制度 C. 工业卫生管理制度 D. 现场作业安全管理制度 [单选题]8.患儿,男,5岁,因眼睑水肿就诊,以“急性肾炎”收入院,现呼吸困难,不能平卧,咳吐泡沫痰,尿量少,呈茶水样,你考虑患儿可能发生了
A..充血性心力衰竭 B..肺部感染 C..急性肾炎 D..DIC E..肝功能衰竭 [判断题]新建后保存的配电设备变更(异动)申请,在尚未启动流程时,不可以进行修改和删除操作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]日常检查运行中变压器高低压侧时,可能发现以下哪些问题()。
A.A.套管有无渗漏油 B.B.裂纹 C.C.闪络、放电 我来回答: 提交