软件开发的螺旋模型综合了瀑布模型和演化模型的优点,还增加了 (20) 。采用螺旋模型时,软件开发沿着螺线自内向外旋转,每转一圈都要对 (21) 进行识别和分析,并采取相应的对策。螺旋线第一圈的开始点可能是一个 (22) 。从第二圈开始,一个新产品开发项目开始了,新产品的演化沿着螺旋线进行若干次迭代,一直运转到软件生命期结束。
20()If the population of the Earth goes on increasing at
its present rate, there will eventually not be enough resources left to sustain
life on the planet. By the middle of the 21 century, if present trends continue,
we will have used up all the oil that drives our cars, for example. Even if
scientists develop new ways of feeding the human race, the crowded conditions on
Earth will make it necessary for us to look for open space somewhere else. But
none of the other planets in our solar system are capable of supporting life at
present. One possible solution to the problem, however, has recently been
suggested by an American scientist, Professor Carl Sagan. Sagan believes that before the Earth’s resources are completely exhausted, it will be possible to change the atmosphere of Venus and so create a new world almost as large as Ear A. there is no water there B. it is too far away for us to go to there C. it is too hot to support humans life D. its atmosphere often changes with temperature [简答题]Some people claim that staying in a place all one’s life is good for one’s growth, while others disagree with the view, and they prefer changing the place. Write an article to express your point of view on this topic.
You should write no less than 250 words. Write your article on ANSWER SHEET 2. [单选题]功能性子宫出血时,使用性激素止血,下列说法错误的是:( )
A.雌激素可用于黄体萎缩不全 B.内膜增生过长,可采用孕激素 C.更年期止血可用雄激素 D.无排卵型功能性子宫出血萎缩型内膜,可采用雌激素 E.无排卵型功能性子宫出血者可采用孕激素 [单选题]人类必需脂肪酸是
A. 硬脂酸 B. 软脂酸 C. 亚油酸 D. 油酸 E. 软油酸 [多选题] 慢行牌看守人员必须( )。(工务换轨大修作业指导书3.
A. 按照慢行图的要求准时更换 B. 撤除慢行牌 C. 严禁私自更改换牌 D. 撤牌时间 [单项选择]
Where will people choose to live() A. Far away from the city. B. Inside the city. C. Near the city. D. In the city center. [单选题]公安机关在办理赵某故意损毁财物治安案件时,调查了与赵某有关的下列事实,其中不需要调查的是()
A.赵某的基本情况 B.赵某故意损毁财物的行为是否存在 C.故意损毁财物的行为是否赵某所为 D.赵某在单位的现实表现情况 [单选题]
系统组态界面的系统设置/节点表,有(____)设置,如果此相不设置,则后台不进行处理。 A. 综合量计算 B. 滤波延时 C. 通讯中断延时 D. 遥测转遥信使能 [单项选择]对诊断急性肾小球肾炎意义最大是()
A. 血清抗链球菌溶血素"O"滴度升高 B. 起病初期血清C3及补体下降,8周内渐恢复正常 C. 血清IgA升高 D. 起病早期循环免疫复合物呈阳性 E. 起病早期血清冷球蛋白呈阳性 [判断题]运动副可分为转动副、移动副、高副和低副。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]单层工业厂房梁的吊装可在柱固定和柱间支撑安装时同时进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]高压钳形电流表可以在刀闸开关或熔断器上测量电流。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]某航线上一艘3000吨级船舶,每年营运20个航次,平均载货率为80%,平均运费收入为每吨200元,年固定成本为560万元,年可变成本为400万元。
下列成本中,属于船舶经营成本的有( )。
A.船员成本 B.折旧费 C.物料费 D.利息费 [判断题]依法行政就是要将政府的一切行为都纳入法制化轨道。
[单选题]下列与吸烟有密切关系,且是肺癌中恶性程度最高的一种是( )
A.鳞状上皮细胞癌 B.小细胞未分化癌 C.腺癌 D.大细胞未分化癌 E.细支气管-肺泡细胞癌 [简答题]《中华人民共和国老年人权益保障法》中所称的老年人是指哪部分人?
[判断题]( )诚信作为企业最为重要的有形资产,是企业创业发展和长盛不衰的依据。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交