单位 |
满意值 |
不允许值 |
权数 |
甲地区 |
乙地区 | |
总资产贡献值 |
% |
12 |
6 |
33 |
9.60 |
6.92 |
[填空题]Your{{U}} (36) {{/U}}this term will be to write two major research papers. One of the most important things in writing a research paper is giving proper{{U}} (37) {{/U}}for your sources of information. {{U}} (38) {{/U}}to do this is called plagiarism(剽窃), which is a form of intellectual dishonesty. Plagiarism is a kind of stealing, or at least an{{U}} (39) {{/U}}borrowing of someone else’s ideas. Sometimes inexperienced students will plagiarize{{U}} (40) {{/U}},and then be surprised when the teacher won’t accept their papers or give them a failing grade. The best way to avoid unintentional plagiarizing is to be very careful in gathering your information as you take notes on books or magazine articles about the topic you’ve selected. First, try to assimilate the information{{U}} (41) {{/U}}. Second, write it down in your own words. This is called{{U}} (42) {{/U}}. If you do a good job of paraphrasing, you’ll capture the main i dea from your source without actually using a
[判断题]尖轨夹板与间隔铁之间必须保持一定的距离。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在同一轧制条件下,轧件温度越低,轧制力越大。
[多选题]油层三大矛盾是指( )。
A.A、区块矛盾 B.B、层间矛盾 C.C、层内矛盾 D.D、平面矛盾 [单选题]用滚杆拖运笨重物体时,添放滚杆的人员应站在( ),并不得戴手套。
A.滚动物体的前方 B.滚动物体的后方 C.滚动物体的侧方 D.方便添放滚杆的方向。 [多项选择]海绵窦综合征,临床上出现的病侧()
A. 眼睑下垂 B. 眼球运动障碍 C. 角膜反射消失 D. 对光反射消失 E. 眼球突出,有的出现视乳头水肿 [单选题]运行途中,遇( )发生故障时,司机应控制列车运行至前方站停车处理或请求更换机车,在自动闭塞区间,列车运行速度不超过20km/h。
A.机车信号 B.列尾装置 C.列车无线调度通信设备 我来回答: 提交