6-10 It was the worst tragedy in maritime history, six times more deadly than the Titanic. When the German cruise ship Wilhelm Gustloff was hit by torpedoes fired from a Russian submarine in the final winter of World War Ⅱ, more than 10,000 people--mostly women, children and old people fleeing the final Red Army push into Nazi Germany--were packed aboard. An ice storm had turned the decks into frozen sheets that sent hundreds of families sliding into the sea as the ship tilted and began to go down. Others desperately tried to put lifeboats down. Some who succeeded fought off those in the water who had the strength to try to claw their way aboard. Most people froze immediately. "I’ll never forget the screams," says Christa Ntitzmann, 87, one of the 1,200 survivors. She recalls watching the ship, brightly lit, slippin A. By presenting the horrible scene of the torpedo attack. B. By describing the ship’s sinking in great detail. C. By giving an interview to the weekly Die Woche. D. By depicting the survival of a young pregnant woman. [判断题] 比例控制过程的余差与控制器的比例度成正比。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]UNIX/Linux的i节点(内码)表是文件系统的主要数据结构(表格)部分。
A.对 B.错 [单项选择]脊髓一侧脊髓丘脑束受累产生()
A. 受累平面以下同侧痛、温觉减退 B. 受累平面以下对侧痛温觉减退 C. 受累平面以下对侧各种感觉均减退 D. 受累平面以下同侧各种感觉均减退 E. 受累平面以下双侧各种感觉均减退 [单项选择]患者冯某先是食欲不振,后来出现右上腹疼痛、巩膜等黄染。经医院诊断是肝癌晚期,护士小张选择的应是()。
A. 对患者有什么说什么,实情相知 B. 只通知家属,并配合家属一起鼓励和关怀患者 C. 向患者、家属同时宣布病情并安慰病人想吃什么就吃什么 D. 将诊断书交给患者,隐瞒部分实情 E. 对患者和家属均采取保密,待病情危重时再告诉家属 [单选题]下列关于石油化工企业室内消火栓设置的说法,不正确的是( )。
A.单层甲、乙、丙类厂房(仓库)长度小于30m时,可不设室内消火栓系统 B.甲、乙类厂房(仓库),高层厂房及高架仓库的室内消火栓间距不应超过50m C.消防竖管的管径不小于100mm,其接口应设在室外便于操作的地点 D.室内消火栓给水管网与自动喷水灭火系统的管网可引自同一消防给水系统,但应在报警阀前分开设置 [判断题]煤气设备管道发生着火,立即用水灭火
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]钻孔时的背吃刀量是麻花钻()。
A. 直径尺寸 B. 半径尺寸 C. 半径的1/2 [判断题]文检仪中运用于文件检验的红外线只是近红外。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]变压器的储油柜起什么作用?
A. 可测定高速血流 B. 可测定低速血流 C. 有距离选通作用 D. 连续发射脉冲波 E. 主要用于反流的检测 [单选题]修理机械、电气设备时,必须在开关处挂上( )的警示牌,并应有专人看守。
A.“注意安全” B.“有电,危险” C.“有人工作,严禁合闸” D.正在维修,小心危险” [单项选择]股骨颈骨折GardenⅣ型是
A. 部分骨折,骨折无移位 B. 完全骨折,无移位 C. 完全骨折,部分移位 D. 完全骨折,完全移位 [单项选择]冰中航行,倒车前应:()
A. 左满舵 B. 右满舵 C. 正舵 D. 任意舵角 [判断题]用户浏览网页需要D错S,但是用户发送邮件不需要D错S。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] Video recorders and photocopiers, even ticket machines on the railways, often seem unnecessarily difficult to use. Last December I bought myself a Video cassette recorder (36)_________as "simple to use". In the first three weeks I failed (37)_________to program the machine to record from the TV, and after months of practice I still made mistakes. I am not alone. According to a (38)_________last year by Ferguson, the British manufacturer, more than one in four VCR owners never use the timer on their machines to record a programmer: they don’’t use it because they’’ve found it far too hard to operate. So why do manufacturers keep on designing and producing VCRs that are (39)_________ to use if the problems are so obvious
First, the problems we notice are not obvious to (40)_________ minded designers with years of experience and trained to understand how (41)_________work. Secondly, designers tend to add one or two features at a time to each model, (42)_________ you or I fac
[单选题]在商品经济条件下人们在市场上最常见的表现是议价,即买卖双方之间讨价还价的价格谈判不断上演。这表明,商品的价格( )
A.是由市场供求关系决定 B.是由买卖双方讨价还价的能力决定的 C.是市场供求关系的反映 D.是由生产商品所耗费的个别时间决定的 [判断题]林某(女)到服装市场买衣服,经过一店铺时看中一条裤子(标价200元),但嫌价格太高,便欲离开,老板蒋某不允,称林某已试过衣服不买不行,并叫来两个大汉将林某堵在店门口,林某很不情愿地按标价买下裤子后,蒋某才让林某离开。蒋某的行为属于强迫交易的违反治安管理行为。
[多选题]使用抄表微机时应注意( )。
A.抄表微机应定期进行充放电工作,定期更换电池 B.新抄表微机使用前应初始化,进入抄表微机系统设置,将系统时间改为当前时间 C.注意抄表微机密码的使用和保管 D.雨天中使用抄表微机时,要采取防雨措施 [单选题]强迫油循环风冷变压器的冷却介质40摄氏度时,最高顶层油温不超过( )摄氏度。
A.65 B.75 C.85 D.95 [单项选择]()是常用的孔加工方法之一,可以作粗加工,也可以作精加工。
A. 钻孔 B. 扩孔 C. 车孔 D. 铰孔 [填空题]换热器大修、更新完成后运行()内,由二级单位做出换热器大修、更新后评价上报公司机动设备处。
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