What does the future hold for the problem of housing A good (1) depends, of course, on the meaning of" future". If one is thinking in (2) of science fiction and the space age (3) at least possible to assume that man will have solved such trivial and earthly problems as housing. Writers of science fiction have (4) the suggestion that men will live in great comfort, with every (5) device to make life smooth, healthy and easy, (6) not happy. But they have not said what his house will be made of.
The problems of the next generation or two can more readily be imagined. Scientists have already pointed out that (7) something is done either to restrict the world’s rapid growth in population or to discover and develop new sources of food (or both), millions of people will be dying of starvation or, (8) , suffering from under feeding before this (9) is out. But nobody has worked out any plan for
A. every
B. some
C. this
D. certain
" Harmonization" is a process of increasing the
compatibility of accounting practices by setting limits on how much they
vary.Harmonized standards are free of logical conflicts,and should improve the
comparability of financial information from different countries. Efforts to harmonize accounting standards began even before the creation of the International Accounting Standards Committee(IASC)in 1973.International accounting harmonization now is one of the most important issues facing securities regulators,stock exchanges,and those who prepare or use financial statements. Harmonization and standardization are sometimes used interchangeably.But there is still a difference between them.Standardization norm A. International Accounting Standard. B. International Accounting. C. International Accounting Harmonization. D. International Accounting Standard Committee. [简答题]叙述府绸的组织构成、织物风格和服用性能特点。
[判断题]在某洗浴中心,服务员甲在为乙洗脚过程中,问是否需要为其提供性 服务,乙表示同意,并谈成价格为 200 元。对甲的行为应定性为拉客招嫖。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]以下对员工流动率的分析方法正确的是()。
A. 对自愿流出者的访谈分析访谈及跟踪调查 B. 群体批次分析法 C. 成本收益分析 D. 员工流动后果分析 E. 日常对员工流动分析 [单选题]患者,男,42岁,因火灾造成大面积烧伤入院,伤后易发生低血容量性休克的时间是伤后( )
A.8h内 B.12h内 C.24h内 D.48h内 E.72h内 [判断题]直接法配制标准溶液只要称取一定量的基准物质,溶解后,在容量瓶中稀释到一定体积即可。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]新安装的电气设备的接地电阻,( )要进行测量。
A.每月 B.每天 C.每季度 D.投入运行前 [单选题]WD-320稳定车稳定装置夹轨轮,要求每工作()应对其解体,并清洗检查其轴承。
A.100h B.200h C.300h D.400h [单项选择]以下有歧义的句子是( )。
A. 郁金香是一种很名贵的观赏植物 B. 我营一连发起了三次进攻 C. 商朝主要实行兄终弟及制,反映了母系氏族社会影响的存在 D. 本书的特点是理论联系实际 [单项选择]女性,40岁,反复皮肤瘀点、瘀斑7年,患系统性红斑狼疮9年。查血小板40×109/L,凝血时间正常,血小板生存时间测定缩短;骨髓象示增生活跃。该患者不可能出现的检查结果是()
A. PAIg阳性 B. PAC3阳性 C. 颗粒型巨核细胞多 D. 幼稚巨核细胞增多 E. 骨髓巨核细胞数量减少 [判断题]凡在当期取得的收入或者应当负担的费用,不论款项是否已经收付,都应作为当期的收入或费用。()
A.网上公开竞价 B.单一来源 C.询价 D.公开招标 [单项选择]饮用生豆浆引起中毒的主要表现为______。
A. 肠胃炎症状 B. 神经损害症状 C. 肝脏损害症状 D. 肾脏损害症状 [单项选择]患者,男性,35岁,因3天来右上后牙肿痛来就诊。查:右上6远中颈部龋深及牙髓,无探痛,松动Ⅲ度,叩(+++),龈红肿,扪痛,有波动感,右面颊部轻度水肿,体温38.C。该牙诊断最可能为()。
A. 慢性根尖脓肿 B. 急性牙槽脓肿 C. 急性颌骨骨髓炎 D. 急性蜂窝织炎 E. 急性化脓性牙髓炎 [单选题]阀外水冷系统冷却塔变频器更换接完线后上电前,应对回路接线进行核对,二次回路电缆绝缘测量不小于()MΩ(1000V兆欧表),接线紧固
A.1 B.2 C.5 D.10 [判断题]在等高距相同的情况下,等高线愈密,坡度愈缓;等高线愈稀,坡度愈陡。
对患儿家长进行宣教的内容不包括 A. 讲述如何观察患儿的大便性状 B. 示范更换尿布保护臀部皮肤的方法 C. 讲授调整饮食的目的及步骤 D. 示范抗菌药物的注射法 E. 示范用家用量器配置、服用口服补液盐的方法 [判断题]基金发行审核专家评议会对基金设立申报材料作出批准或者不予批准的决定。()
[多选题]我行贷款定价应遵循的原则有( )
A.战略导向原则 B.成本效益原则 C.面向市场原则 D.差异化定价原则 [多选题]【多选题】保证金存入时,转出账户可以为客户在我行开立的结算账户或者内部账户。
A.A:结算账户 B.B:他行结算账户 C.C:内部账户 [不定项选择题]某男,3岁。不思进食,食而不化,神倦多汗,大便偏稀夹有不消化食物,面色少华,形体偏瘦,肢倦乏力,苔薄白,脉缓无力。根据病例回答以下问题。
A.温肾壮阳 B.健脾益气 C.疏肝理气 D.补益心脾 E.养胃育阴 [单项选择]8kg小儿,临床表现重度酸中毒,CO2CP8mmol/L,初次为提高CO2CP达到13mmol/L需补1.4%碳酸氢钠液是
A. 75ml B. 100ml C. 140ml D. 200ml E. 250ml [填空题]旅客和行李、包裹的票、运价里程,以国务院铁路主管部门公布的______________为计算依据。
A. 隧道防水板施工作业台架应设臵消防器材 B. 隧道防水板作业台架应设臵防水安全警示标志,并应设专人负责 C. 照明灯具与防水板间距不得小于0.5m D. 烘烤防水板时应采取相应的安全措施 我来回答: 提交