Despite Denmark’s manifest virtues,
Danes never talk about how proud they are to be Danes. When Danes talk to
foreigners about Denmark, they always begin by commenting on its tininess, its
unimportance, the difficulty of its language, the general small-mindedness and
self-indulgence of their countrymen and the high taxes. It is the land of the silk safety net, where almost half the national budget goes toward smoothing out life’s inequalities, and there is plenty of money for schools, day care, retraining programs, job seminars—Danes love seminars: three days at a study centre heating about waste management is almost as good as a ski trip. It is a culture bombarded by English, in advertising, pop music, the Internet, and despite all the English that Danish absorbs—there is no Danish Academy to defend against it. It is the land where a foreigner is st A. Danes are clearly informed of their social benefits B. Danes take for granted what is given to them C. the open system helps to tide the country over D. orderliness has alleviated unemployment [判断题]对危及公共安全、人身或者财产安全的紧急、重大案(事)件,应当在派警处置的同时,根据警情的性质、事态规模、紧急程度,立即报告公安机关主要负责人。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]编入列车的关门车数不超过现车总辆数的( )。
A.0.06 B.0.04 C.0.03 D.0.05 [单选题] 对于磨擦面相对运动快的场合,应选用粘度( )的润滑油。
A.较低 B.较高 C.不影响 D.无法确定 [多选题]给水作业,( ),落实岗位职责。
A.人定岗 B.岗定栓 C.栓定车 D.按情况分工 [单项选择]公务员年度考核的第一项程序是( )
A. 个人总结 B. 民主测评 C. 调查核实 D. 个别谈话 [判断题]个人住房贷款额度应按照省联社关于个人住房信贷政策要求执行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]提高供电电路功率因数的目的是为了( )。
A. 提高电源向用电设备提供的视在功率 B. 减少电源向用电设备提供的视在功率 C. 减少用电设备的无功功率 D. 减少用电设备的有功功率 [单项选择]患儿虫积日久,腹胀便溏,午后潮热,烦躁不宁,白睛干涩,黑睛糜烂。若此证为脾虚肝热,首选的方剂是()
A. 归脾汤 B. 丹栀逍遥散 C. 八珍汤 D. 参苓白术散 E. 肥儿丸 [单项选择]消防控制室必须设置一部()电话。
A. 外线电话 B. 手提电话 C. 有线电话 D. 总机电话 [单选题]溶液开始沸腾产生第一个气泡时所对应的温度称为( )。
A.沸点 B.泡点 C.露点 我来回答: 提交