{{B}}An Unusual Experience at Sea{{/B}} It was early one morning in February 1972 when Mayoral and his partner Santos Luis Perez set out to fish in Laguna San lgnacio. Hundreds of gray whales were swimming in the three-mile-long, one-mile-wide inlet. This was usual between December and April, for the whales breed in the protected inlets of Baja, the final destination of their annual 6,000-mile migration from the Arctic. Mayoral and Perez stayed as for as possible from the spouting (喷涌) creatures, because the whales were said to smash boats with their powerful flukes (鲸尾的叶). Mayoral, who had 16 years’ experience at sea, knew no one who had been close to a healthy gray whale and lived. As Mayoral rowed to catch the outgoing (退出去的) A. They did nothing but kneel down and pray. B. They rowed quickly to the shore. C. They threw a cross to the whale. D. They prepared to fight against the whale. [单项选择]质量1Kg的物休,在外力作用下,产生了1米/秒秒的加速度,此时物体所受的作用力称为()。
A. 1公斤 B. 1千克力 C. 1牛顿 [多项选择]退行性脊柱炎的主要临床表现有()
A. 腰背酸痛、僵硬板紧 B. 腰部活动不利 C. 腰部活动严重受限 D. 急性发作腰痛较剧 E. 下肢放射性疼痛 [多项选择]为单位客户开立()时,应通过银行账户管理系统向人民银行进行备案。
A. 基本存款账户 B. 一般存款账户 C. 临时存款账户(因注册验资开立的临时存款账户除外) D. 预算单位专用存款账户 E. 非预算单位专用存款账户 [单项选择]四君子汤的功效为()
A. 益气健脾,行气化滞 B. 益气健脾,行气化湿 C. 益气健脾,燥湿化痰 D. 益气补中,健脾养胃 E. 益气补中,升阳举陷 [多选题]钢轨折断标准( )。
A.钢轨全截面断裂 B.裂纹贯通整个轨头截面 C.裂纹贯通整个轨底截面 D.钢轨顶面上有长度大于20mm且深度大于5mm的掉块 E.钢轨顶面上有长度大于30mm且深度大于5mm的掉块 [单项选择]正式组织的特点是 ()
A. 自发形成 B. 较强的约束力 C. 组织内个人的职位不可以替代 D. 比较灵活 E. 沟通方便,内容广泛 [单项选择]患者,女。60岁,间断咳嗽、咳痰20年,加重伴呼吸困难3天。血气分析:pH7.35,PaO56mmHg.PaCO46mmHg。给予该患者鼻导管吸氧治疗。如需使用的吸氧浓度为29%,则其氧流量应调整为()
A. 1.0L/min B. 1.5L/min C. 2.0L/min D. 2.5L/min E. 3.0L/min [多选题] 安全教育培训一般包括( )。
A.入场前培训 B.安全管理人员的培训 C.三级安全教育培训 D.专项培训 [单项选择]斜巷处理掉道车时()安全事项之一。
A. 要先逐台检查车辆连接情况,防止处理过程中发生窜销跑车事故 B. 信号可灵敏可靠并使用信号 C. 允许人员在车辆下方、两侧处理掉道车 [单项选择]
A. exception B. division C. difference D. alteration [单项选择]—Are you a visitor here
—That’s right. I ______ round the world and now my dream of coming to China ______ true. A. have traveled; has come B. was traveling; had been come C. am traveling; has come D. have traveled; has been come [单选题]患儿,2岁。发热2小时。证见发热,恶寒,无汗,鼻塞,流清涕,微咳,咽部不红,纳少,舌淡红,苔薄白,指纹浮红。其证候是
A.风寒感冒 B.风热感冒 C.暑邪感冒 D.时邪感冒 E.感冒夹滞 [单选题]对于易燃易爆气体,其爆炸下限越高,发生爆炸的危险性()。
A.越大 B.越小 C.不变 D.不确定 我来回答: 提交