So far, inflation is roaring in only a
few sectors of the economy. While platinum has soared 121 percent, soybeans have
risen 115 percent, and an index of Real Estate Investment Trusts has climbed 42
percent since May 2001, the consumer price index (CPI) has gone up only 4.2
percent during the same period. The challenge is figuring out what happens
next. Astute investors are asking two questions: 1) Will the dollar continue to decline 2) Which assets will continue to inflate The value of the dollar matters because much of what Americans buy comes from abroad. And in the past two years, the dollar has been slipping badly: down some 25 percent against a basket of foreign currencies, including the euro and the yen. That makes imported goods more expensive. If the dollar falls further, the rise in A. To invest in government bonds in countries that are major trading partners of the US. B. To hold TIPS always to maturity. C. To turn to natural-resource stocks or mutual funds that invest in them. D. To try Commodities sometimes. [填空题]You had better (go) ______ over your homework before handing them in.
[多选题]烈士批准机关分为( )两种。
A.中央人民政府 B.地方人民政府 C.地方人民政府民政部门 D.民政部 E.军队机关 [判断题]为了改善摩擦性能,使填料密封有足够的使用寿命,不允许介质有泄漏现象。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]员工应当妥善保护和使用本行财产,不得将公共财产用于个人用途,禁止以任何方式()财产。
A.浪费 B.损害 C.滥用、挪用 D.侵占 [单选题] DME有关接收机预选滤波器的论述中,正确的是( )
A.预选滤波器是以应答频率为中心的带通滤波器 B.使用预选滤波器的目的是抑制邻近波道的干扰 C.使用预选滤波器主要是为了抑制镜象频率 D.衰减泄漏的应答功率不是使用预选滤波器的目的 [单选题]线路作业必须在( )的作业负责人领导下进行。
A.培训合格 B.符合规定 C.有责任心 D.有能力 [单选题]肿瘤放疗时皮肤出现红斑是( )度皮炎.
A.Ⅳ B.Ⅱ C.Ⅰ D.Ⅲ [多选题]辩证唯物主义认识论与旧唯物主义认识论的区别表现在
A.是否承认认识是主观对客观世界的反映 B.是否承认实践对认识的决定作用 C.是否承认认识是摹写与创造的统一 D.是否承认认识是一个辩证发展过程 [单选题]以推进方式越出站界调车时,应连结( )软管。
A.四分之一 B.三分之一 C.二分之一 D.全部 [单选题]为锻炼提高各级单位紧急行动能力,检查战斗准备状况,通常中队(站)()进行1次紧急集合
A.每月 B.每周 C.每季度 D.每半年 [单选题]智能电能表“Err04”故障代码表示(____)。
A. 控制回路错误 B.时钟电池电压低 C. 电流严重不平衡 D. 功率因数超限 我来回答: 提交