Threats from nomadic people in the
north were {{U}} (31) {{/U}} throughout Chinese history. They were
continually attacking the Chinese northern {{U}} (32) {{/U}} . With each
new emperor, came endless debate about how to {{U}} (33) {{/U}}
the barbarians. There were four options: {{U}} (34) {{/U}} offensive
campaigns to drive them away or to destroy them; create defensive garrisons;
develop diplomatic and {{U}} (35) {{/U}} ties with them, or build a wall
to keep them out. All the options were {{U}} (36) {{/U}} at various times. Experience showed that {{U}} (37) {{/U}} campaigns were too costly and very risky, {{U}} (38) {{/U}} defen A. However B. Therefore C. Besides D. Moreover [填空题]凡有洪水通过的桥涵,应在上游设置稳固而垂直的<--NRC-->。
A. 离退休 B. 出境定居 C. 翻建自住住房 D. 购买自用商铺 E. 完全丧失劳动能力并与单位终止劳动关系 [填空题]TIC-3系统TX3为()信号设置,TX4为()信号设置,TX7为()信号设置。
[单选题]39、在机车信号模式下,列车按( )运行。
A.A、地面信号显示 B.B、列控车载设备显示 C.C、机车信号显示 [单选题]我国于1978年开始实行改革开放,那么我国对外开放的步骤依次是()。
A.沿海开放城市——经济特区——沿海开放区——沿江开放港口城市——内地省会城市 B.经济特区——沿海开放区——沿江开放港口城市——沿海开放城市——内地省会城市 C.沿海开放区——经济特区——沿海开放城市——沿江开放港口城市——内地省会城市 D.经济特区——沿海开放城市——沿海开放区——沿江开放港口城市——内地省会城市 [判断题]精馏塔的回流比越大,其能耗越高。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]电力系统发生短路故障时,将发生( )现象。
A.电流下降 B.电流增大 C.电压降低 D.电压增高 E.电流电压间相位角改变 [多选题]消防电梯是在建筑物发生火灾时使用且具有( )、电话通讯、主动控制等功能的电梯。
A.阻燃 B.防烟 C.电路防水 D.电路防火 [判断题]主要通风机至少每月由矿井机电部门检查一次。
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