No one knows how man learned to make
words. Perhaps he began by making sounds like those made by animals. Perhaps he
grunted like a pig when he lifted something heavy. (78) {{U}}Perhaps he made
sounds like those he heard all round him--water splashing, bees humming, a stone
falling to the ground. {{/U}}Somehow he learned to make words. As the centuries
went by, he made more and more new words. This is what we mean by
language. People living in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred different languages in the world. Each contains many thousands of words. A very large English dictionary, for example, contains four or five hundred thousand words. But we do not need all these. Only a few thousand words are used in everyday life. The words you know are called your vocabula A. 150 B. 1,500 C. 5,000 D. 4,000 [填空题]Many a man()(think) it significant.
[判断题]施工现场的作业人员在劳动防护用品使用前,应对其防护功能进行必要的检查。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]痰湿咳嗽宜选用()。
A. 止嗽散 B. 杏苏散 C. 桑杏汤 D. 麻杏石甘汤加减 E. 二陈汤加减 [单项选择]男患,60岁,糖尿病多年,渐出现双手双足麻木、发凉,查体四肢对称性末端痛觉减退,四肢远端肌力4级,近端肌力正常,其病变部位为()。
A. 神经根 B. 神经丛 C. 末梢神经 D. 脊髓 E. 脑干 [判断题]E收款注册商户主动申请暂停服务或商户注销的,需提供营业执照或统一社会信用代码证原件及复印件、法定代表人或负责人有效身份证件原件及复印件等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]二甲单体遇到水易反应,放出( )气体,留下白色胶状残渣。
A.A、氰化氢 B.B、氯化氢 C.C、硫化氢 D.D、氢气 [单选题]个人活期储蓄存单账户实行利随本清的方式,采用()。
A.积数计息法 B.逐笔计息法 C.余额计息法 D.累计计息法 [单选题]《北京铁路局站车客运信息无线交互系统使用管理办法(试行)》规定:列车乘务人员接收信息后,可进行列车( )、查验车票真伪。
A.人数统计 B.验票 C.补票 D.办公 [多选题] 本小题 1 分
工作时,必须严格按照停电(____)等安全措施。 A. 验电 B. 接地 C. 悬挂警示牌 D. 悬挂标示牌和装设围栏 [单选题]爆炸品属于危险货物的( )
A.第一类 B.第二类 C.第三类 D.第四类 [单项选择]人体实验道德原则不包括的是()
A. 不告知原则 B. 医学目的原则 C. 维护受试者利益原则 D. 知情同意原则 E. 科学性原则 我来回答: 提交