Here are some situations where renting
makes more sense than buying. 1.Job uncertainty. If you are a professional working with a company that can, or does, transfer you to different cities in short periods of time, then it may not make sense to buy. Renting allows you the flexibility of moving at the drop of a hat. If you are a professional on the move, make sure any/ease(租赁合同) you sign is a "tenancy(租赁) at will", meaning, you can leave on 60 days (or a different agreed upon time) notice. Breaking a lease can be expensive, so keep this in mind. 2. Traveling. If you are constantly traveling with your job; particularly overseas, you may want to consider renting until you find the place you want to settle in. Owning a home requires that you are around (or someone reliable is around) to maintain your property. Being an absentee owner can be A. For those who have bought houses, they will need to increase their car insurance. B. When you break the lease, you can suffer financial loss. C. Many people lost a lot of money when the housing market crashed in the late 1980s. D. The crash of the housing market could hardly be possible. [单选题]在完成壁后注浆之后,需要进行二次注浆的情况不包括( )。
A.隧道成形后地面沉降仍有较大的变化趋势 B.局部地层较软 C.同步注浆注浆量不足 D.压浆时未对称 [判断题]《中国铁路总公司应急管理部关于保障国家综合性消防救援队伍人员铁路出行优待的通知》中规定,可享受优先政策的随行家属数量原则上不多于2人,需要出具与消防救援人员本人的关系证明。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( ) EPA网络拓扑结构两个网段组成,分别是监控级L2网段和现场设备级L1网段。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]糖精在所有天然甜味剂中甜味最强。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于颞下颌关节紊乱患者的正畸治疗,下列说法不正确的是()。
A. 常常以活动矫治器进行治疗 B. 慎用颌间牵引力 C. 避免设计以下颌为支抗的矫形力 D. 对于关节弹响的处理方法,常以正畸手段前移下颌1~3mm E. 对此类患者的治疗一定要达到完美的牙齿排列与咬合关系 [单选题]带电作业工作负责人在带电作业工作开始前,应与( )联系。答案:
A.A.运维人员 B.B.值班调控人员 C.C.工作票签发人 D.D.工区领导 E.略 F.略 G.略 [单选题]电动机是使用最普遍的电气设备之一,一般在70%~95%额定负载下运行时( )。
A.效率最低 B.功率因数小 C.效率最高,功率因数大 D.效率最低,功率因数小 [单选题]两台变压器并列运行的条件是( )。
A.A、变比相等 B.变比相等、接线组别相同、短路阻抗相同 C.接线组别相同 D.短路阻抗相同 [单选题]托运人使用自备篷布苫盖货车时,应在货物运单、货票“铁路货车篷布号码”栏划( )符号。[231050201]
A.Z B.F C. ⓧ D.X [判断题]上身自然挺直,两肩平衡放松,后背靠近椅背,不用手托腮,不翘二郎腿,不抖动腿是员工仪容要求。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交